A 2007 direct-to-video animated movie presented by Stan Lee. An aspiring actress, Maggie Nelson, must track down her father, an Interpol agent, who has been taken by members of the underground, special-powered race called the Chameliel. Aided by Mosaic, a Chamelial himself, Maggie searches for him and learns to deal with her own special powers, given to her through a freak accident.
Can be viewed full-length for free on its official web site.
Tropes used in Mosaic include:
- Art Shift: The opening titles have a more graphic style compared to the film itself. The fact that two animation studios were used (AKOM for the opening, Mook DLE for the film proper) shows.
- Badass Longcoat: Mosaic
- Betty and Veronica: Mosaic vs. Stephen
- Expy: Some people have noted that Maggie is an interesting combination of Spider-Man, Mystique, and the Invisible Woman.
- Mosaic himself looks a lot like Angel.
- Hair of Gold: Maggie
- Heroic Sacrifice: Mosaic ends up taking Manniquin down a cliff with him.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Mosaic is the son of Manniquin, the movie's Big Bad.
- Monumental Damage: The Capuchin Crypt. By chipping away at a couple of stone supports with a staff, no less.
- Shout-Out: To Spider-Man
- Mosaic's death seems awfully close to Sherlock Holmes and his temporary death.
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