Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter
I know what you are all thinking, but sadly, this is not a Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter crossover fighter. [1]
Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter is a three-episode series of Flash sprite-animations by Proxide. Quality-wise, it's some of the best entertainment flash animation can provide, with a great amount of filters and effects. It could be compared to Alvin-Worm-Jim's Super Mario Bros Z, but more action-oriented with less of an emphasis on plot.
The story goes something like this: the universes of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter have merged. The MK crew has been killing most of the SF guys, but the latter is faction is no longer going to take it sitting down. Each episode is a one-on-one battle between one character of each universe: Ken vs. Raiden, Ryu vs. Scorpion, and Akuma vs. Chameleon.
NOT TO BE CONFUSED with the Fanfic The Unofficial MK vs. SF Saga.
- Artistic License Physics: Three words: Rule. Of. Cool.
- Art Evolution: Seen most notably with the HUD and combo counter in the third episode.
- Avenging the Villain: Chameleon wants revenge for Scorpion's death.
- Badass: Practically anyone.
- Beam Spam/Bullet Hell: Raiden does this.
- Big Damn Heroes: Subverted with Chun-Li against Raiden. Played straight with Akuma, of all people, saving Ryu from Scorpion. Ryu would later return the favor against Chameleon.
- Bullet Time: Lots of times.
- Butt Monkey: Kintaro. Gets berated by Raiden multiple times, is punked by Ken, and then finds himself on the wrong end of an uppercut from Raiden. Instead of becoming a Twinkle in The Sky, he explodes in the distance.
- Canon Foreigner: Shin Lv. 2 Akuma... at least, until Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition gave us Oni.
- Combination Attack: Most notably, Akuma and Ryu pulling a double Shun Goku Satsu to counter Chameleon's own Shun Goku Satsu.
- Crossover: Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat
- The End of the World as We Know It: After merging with the MK verse, the SF verse was pretty much screwed.
- Family-Unfriendly Death
- Faux Action Girl: Chun-Li gets hit with this hard, to the point of being a Distressed Damsel.
- Finish Him!: It's a crossover involving Mortal Kombat. What did you expect?
- Precision F-Strike: Chameleon borrows the more profane variant of Scorpion's "GET OVER HERE!" after he wails on a beaten Akuma.
- Rule of Cool: Also MST3K Mantra.
- Hurricane Kick: Ryu and Ken.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Averted. Akuma activates his Shin form from the very beginning of the fight against Chameleon.
- Implied Love Interest: Sakura would seem to be this for Ryu. Compare this to Ken and Chun-Li, who are directly shown to be an item.
- Jerkass: Raiden.
- Kamehame Hadoken: Street Fighter, remember?
- Lack of Empathy: Raiden.
- Le Parkour
- Luke, I Am Your Father: The Reveal of the final episode is that Akuma is actually Ryu's father, thus explaining his Big Damn Heroes moment in the previous episode. Ryu states that deep down, he knew the entire time. It should be noted that in canon, Akuma is actually more like Ryu's adoptive uncle.
- Mega Manning: True to form, Chameleon uses the powers of all the other male "ninjas" at his behest against Akuma. He later copies the Shun Goku Satsu from Akuma after viciously brutalizing him and attempts to use it against both Ryu and Akuma. It... backfires, to say the least.
- More Dakka: In both the first and third episodes, Chun-Li and Akuma whip out a BFG and start firing a hailstorm of projectiles upon their foe.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown
- Power Glows
- Rule of Cool
- Shock and Awe: Raiden.
- Super Mode
- Transformation Sequence: Akuma when turning into Shin Akuma and then Shin Lv. 2 Akuma.