Mortal Kombat: Armageddon/Characters
Here are the characters who debuted in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.
Every other character, including Blaze, can be found at their respective sheets.
- Badass Longcoat: Though it appears to be a cape that has been modified to be a coat.
- Bald of Evil
- Cain and Abel: To Taven's Abel.
- Counter Attack: Daegon's specialty is dodging out of the way of an enemy's strikes to deliver his own.
- Dual-Wielding
- Embarrassing Nickname: Originally named "Doug".
- Evil All Along: At least in Taven's eyes.
- Goatee Of Evil
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Evil. Has one over his eye.
- Monochromatic Eyes: His right eye.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Subversion in that he was a decent person prior to being put into suspended animation and only became a villain after being prematurely awakened and subsequently corrupted by Shinnok.
- Self-Made Orphan: Apparently killed Argus and Delia upon awakening because Shinnok told him that they favored Taven over him.
"So you know. Yes, I killed them. I had to! Lord Shinnok warned me that they had decided to assist you! (...) With the very weapons Father gave us to use against Blaze. And now I will use them to destroy you. Fight!"
- Subverted in his ending, where it is revealed that both of them feigned their deaths, ready to punish Daegon for his misdeeds.
- Spikes of Villainy
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Abel: To Daegon's Cain.
- Awful Truth: His brother founded the Red Dragon clan and was trying to kill him all along.
Taven: "Why are you here?" [at the Red Dragon caverns]
Daegon: "This is my stronghold."
Taven: "Your stronghold? And these warriors...?"
Daegon: "I founded the Red Dragon Clan many ages ago."
Taven: "There must be some misunderstanding. Your soldiers have been hunting me."
Daegon: "There is no misunderstanding. For years, my clan has been infiltrating every corner of Earthrealm searching for you. Scouting parties were placed in locations where you were likely to appear. At our parents' temple, for instance." (...)
Taven: "Why would you send your clan after me?"
Daegon: "Isn't it obvious? I intend to kill you."
Taven: "What!?"
Daegon: "The prize will be mine, Taven. I will not risk losing it to you."
- Badass Beard
- Big Damn Heroes
- Deadpan Snarker: Has a few moments of this during Konquest mode.
- The Determinator: Konquest mode ending. It's Nice Job Breaking It, Hero, but he make it his duty as god to prevent Armageddon.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Originally named "Bob".
- Fighting Your Friend: After his fight against the Red Dragon mooks, Fujin appears before him, and asks him to return to Edenia. Taven refuses the order because he wants to know why the Red Dragon tried to stop him twice. Cue the fight.
Fujin: "Stop, Taven!"
Taven: "Fujin!"
Fujin: "I sense that there's more significance to your actions here than it's apparent. I suggest you to return to Edenia immediately".
Taven: "I would like some information first. The Red Dragon have attacked me twice. I'd like to know the reason, and I'm not leaving until I find it!"
Fujin: "Such ignorance! I will stop you -- by force if necessary."
Taven: "I respect you, Fujin. You are a friend to my family. But I will not leave."
Fujin: "Then you leave me no choice. Fight!"
- And then, after defeating him:
"I didn't want to do that. Fujin has been an ally for many ages. (...)"
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: After defeating Daegon in Konquest, he takes his stolen sword back. Changing to his weapon style in the final fight with Blaze reveals... the same damn sword he's been using the entire game.
- Idiot Hero: Is pretty gullible all in all. Some of it can be attributed to how long he's been asleep.
- Sealed Good in a Can: He was trapped inside a cavern for a very long time in order to fulfill.
- Spanner in the Works: His quest ends up derailing several villains' plans. For example, he stalls Sektor and his Tekunin long enough for the Special Forces to attack, helps fends off Noob and Smoke's attack on the Lin Kuei temple (including saving Sub-Zero's life), and breaks Quan Chi's hold over Sareena.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Teleport Spam: His "Escape" attack.
- Time Stands Still: His "Time Stop" attack.
- Too Dumb to Live: He makes Shujinko look intelligent.
Non Playable
- Anime Hair: Has spiked hair.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Longcoat
- Divine Parentage: He's the protector god of Edenia. He's also the father of Taven and Daegon.
- Faking the Dead: At least, according to Daegon's ending.
- God in Human Form
- The Gods Must Be Lazy: First wanted to kill the heroes to prevent Armageddon until his wife convinced him to do something a bit more complicated. Then stood around for centuries and did nothing to protect Edenia, the realm he is supposed to protect, from Shao Kahn or any of the other threats.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Wanted to kill both good and evil kombantants until his wife pointed out some were undeserving of death. Later did nothing to protect Edenia from the evils that befell. Supposedly benevolent.
- The Narrator: Of Armageddon.
- Physical God
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Ok, so he's not exactly ugly, but his wife is a smoking hot bombshell.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy/Cool Old Guy
- Bare Your Midriff
- Divine Parentage: She's a powerful Edenian sorceress with visions of the future. She's also the mother of Taven and Daegon.
- Faking the Dead: At least, according to Daegon's ending.
- Hot Mom
- Hot Sorceress
- In the Hood: Her hood obscures her upper face.
- Lady in Red
- Psychic Powers: Delia possesses the power to see into the future.
- Red Baron: She's known as the "Lady of Flame". It's been theorized that Delia had pyrokinetic abilities of her own, explaining her creation of the fire elemental Blaze and her sons' powers.
- Stripperiffic: Of the Underboobs variety.
- Intermission
- Magical Guardian: Is in charge of protecting and guiding Taven.
- Magical Guardian: Is in charge of protecting and guiding Daegon.
Wu Lae
The leader of the Tengu clan Taven encounters in his quest in Arctika. Said clan is a rival clan of the Lin Kuei.
- Cool Mask
- Mini Boss: He is not even his own playable character in the arcade mode, merely a minor boss fought by Taven in Konquest.
- The Rival: Would appear to be a lesser one to Sub-Zero. The Tengu, Snow Ninja and Lin Kuei are apparently not on good terms.
- Sinister Scythe: His weapon of choice.
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