< Moral Orel

Moral Orel/Characters

Orel Puppington

Clay Puppington

Clay: (drunkenly) Hunting dogs are nature's...rabbits.

Bloberta Puppington

  • Abusive Parents
  • Always Someone Better: Bloberta's siblings, according to her mother, and all her friends who were getting married, which prompted her to trap Clay into a relationship.
  • Backstory: Explained in the episode "Help" how Clay and Bloberta ended up in such a loveless hate-filled marriage.
  • Freudian Excuse: Bloberta's mother was a total Jerkass to her.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: She still married Clay out of desperation even after he proved himself a horrible drunk and a terrible womanizer.
  • Neat Freak: She would even freak out when her cleaning supplies got dirty.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • The Unfavorite
  • Understanding Boyfriend: Bloberta always wanted one, tried to get one through multiple affairs, all of whom used her for an ulterior motive and had the series continued, she would have finally gotten one, when she began her affair with Officer Papermouth. Unfortunately the show as cut before this could happen.
  • Unwanted Spouse: With Clay.

Shapey Puppington

Arthur Puppington

  • Abusive Parents: Not as if he didn't have an excuse. Clay was a spoiled brat who was responsible for his wife's death, and even then Clay's birth resulted in Angela becoming religiously fanatic about him, her "miracle baby". Following Angela's death, he immediately started then stopped hitting Clay because he felt Clay wasn't worth the effort.
  • Hollywood Atheist
  • Like Grandfather Like Grandson: If the show continued, he would have had a good relationship with Orel.
  • Only Sane Man
  • Parental Substitute: To Orel

Ms. Censordoll

Coach Stopframe

Reverend Putty

  • A Date with Rosie Palms
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Defeat Equals Friendship - At the start of the series, Putty clearly barely tolerates Orel's devotion toward him, occasionally graduating to outright hatred but interspersed with attempts at genuine advice. At his Despair Event Horizon, Putty finally gets a date with a woman, only for the woman to reveal she's actually his daughter. Putty is convinced that everything in his life is a sham, even mockingly letting Orel stand at the pulpit to talk about God's love. Orel then discusses that God's love comes in faith, friendship, and family, but not often in all three. Putty's moved into his Heel Face Turn, and genuinely tries to help Orel thereafter.
  • Heel Face Turn - The only adult in the entire series to unambiguously do this.
    • Heel Faith Turn - As Putty mellows out, he also develops a renewed faith as well.
  • Luke, You Are My Father - He is Stephanie's father.
  • Only Sane Man
  • Pet the Dog - Upon realizing that his entire congregation is miserable, including Orel, takes it upon himself to cheer them all. He also tells his daughter that he disapproves of her crush on another girl, solely because the other girl was using her.
  • Snark Knight - Amongst his fellow Fundamentalist. He knows full and well all f'd up the town is.
  • Straw Hypocrite - Like most adults, and one of the few to grow out of it.
  • Took a Level In Kindness


  • Depraved Homosexual - Utterly subverted. While she has all the surface traits (she gets Orel his first job at her porn store, and has several fetishes heavily implied), she deeply cares for everyone in her life, even people she knows are just using her.
  • Only Sane Man - Stephanie's the only recurring adult character who takes her relationship with Orel seriously and responsibly.
  • Parental Substitute - Stephanie's so maternal to Orel, in fact, she gives herself another piercing to tamp down her rising parental instincts for him, as she knows he's got a crush on her.
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