< Mood Whiplash

Mood Whiplash/Quotes

"Incidentally, this section contains about as jarring a shift of tone as you can get without splicing five minutes of The Human Centipede into the middle of Mallrats."
Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, Duke Nukem Forever (for real this time)
"You went to go see a comedy about toys. You ended up halfway through flashing back to sitting at your grandma's bedside as she passed away. NO! GRANDMA! DON'T LEAVE ME! I'M NOT READY FOR YOU TO DIE YET! NOOOOOOO!!!!! Oh look! The dinosaur toy is on roller skates! I feel better now."
"See, when you come outta those up-tempo goddamn numbers, man, it's impossible to make those transitions. And then you gotta go into somebody DYING, you know, they do this to me all the time, I don't know what they hell they do it for, but goddamn it if we can't come out of a slow record, I don't understand it. Is Don on the phone? Okay, I want a goddamn concerted effort to come out of a record that isn't a fucking up-tempo record every time I do a goddamn DEATH dedication!... it's the last goddamn time, I want somebody use his fuckin' brain to not come out of a goddamn record that is uh, that's up-tempo and I gotta talk about a fuckin' dog dying!"
Casey Kasem
"Anyway, when they're not urging their readers to talk to squirrels or torment their own murderers, they're filling their pages with the sort of extreme content normally associated with sicko websites aimed at snickering frat boys - grisly real-life murder stories, close-up photos of tumours and injuries, that kind of thing - the only real difference being that here the relentless horror is interspersed with heart-warming readers' letters in which Kids Say the Funniest Things. Somehow the juxtaposition only makes the nasty content seem worse."

Ken: What did I do to deserve this?
Captain Joe: (pensive) We don't deserve half the things we get. (laughs maniacally, then throws down his pen angrily) You're stuck here!

"You became friends with Yosuke.
Yosuke will now DIE FOR YOU!!!"

"They ended up having kindergartners singing songs to their teddy bears followed by eighteen-year-olds doing speed metal guitar solos."
Greg, referring to his school's talent show, Diary of a Wimpy Kid
"Okay, from Schindler's List to The OC, just like that?"
Mike Nelson on the X-Men movie
"Leah vacillated between calling down curses on his head and wishing for his love again with a speed that gave Sue whiplash."
Narration, Luminosity
"A previous episode of this show involved several thousand innocent people being violently murdered with machine guns. Just thought we should mention that."
'Description for the second Festival Episode of Code Geass on Adult Swim.com
"It's always lightest before the dark"
'The Killer Inside Me

"The series presents a whimsical fairytale world and then systematically murders the innocents while all you can do is boink random NPCs and perform fart emotes. Then at the end you get to sort of put a single bad guy down without any sense of justice or closure. It just ends. (...) Imagine if the movie Se7en had been exactly the same, except Brad Pitt’s character had done a bunch of screwy pratfalls and Wayans brothers style comedy."

"What a trip! What a trip! Blizzards all the way! Snow 20 feet deep! But we had to get that serum through! It was mush, mush, mush all night! (Grabbing the dog and pushing him like a sled dog) Come on, mush, mush, mush, mush, mush! Suddenly, the glacier cracks! There's a roar! Tons of ice! NO ESCAPE! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! How things been with you?"

"What got really weird was when you have a lovely happy-go-lucky video with little remixes and references to fun videos throughout the year and then: 'Oh, by the way, remember terrorism exists?'
[acts confused]
Yeah, I do now! Thanks for the tone shift!"

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