Monster Pulse
Monster Pulse is a Web Comic by Magnolia Porter of Bobwhite fame.
When walking home one day Bina Blum sees something out of the corner of her eye move behind a building. When she goes to investigate a strange creature jumps into her body and causes her heart to become its own sentient entity outside of her body. A mysterious organization seeks to control the process and use the phenomena for its own gain.
Bina interacts with various other children affected with this strange ability that causes one of their body parts to take on a mind and personality of its own and still function somewhat as if the organ were still in the body allowing that function such as keeping the person alive in Bina's case.
Tropes used in Monster Pulse include:
- Action Survivor: Bina.
- Applied Phlebotinum: The Arma Energy SHELL uses. It is an amazing power source, with the tendency to create new life from existing forms of life, life that is still maturing.
- Attack Animal: The monsters as far as the director of SHELL is concerned.
- Blob Monster: Red, Nancy's monster, is made of her blood.
- Body Horror: While the comic is meant to be all ages, (or at least around the PG rating) Bina's heart graphically bursting out of her chest and turning into a monster may cause a few restless nights for younger readers.
- Body Motifs
- Embarrassing First Name: West isn't crazy about Desmond
- Eyepatch of Power: Abel, due to his left eye becoming Rixis.
- Fiery Redhead: In a twist on this trope, Julie is shown to have been incredibly shy when she still had her long red hair, it wasn't until losing it and gaining Kera did she become the bold Plucky Girl we know today.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Bina-Phlegmatic, Julie-Sanguine, Abel- Melancholic, West-Choleric, Lulenski- Supine
- Funny Afro: West, though he's more straight-laced than the trope might imply.
- Genki Girl: Julie.
- AND HOW, overlapping with Plucky Girl at times. She routinely breaks out of shady laboratories, isn't fazed by the idea of organs as monsters walking around (she actually seems thrilled by it) and only panics for a second when threatened by a creepy arm monster before deciding to fight it.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Roger's death.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: It may seem inconvenient for Bina's monster to be her heart, but Ayo is quite strong.
- Heart Trauma: Bina's heart is literally gone due to transforming into Ayo, which initially freaks her out quite a bit. She can still function normally though, and even is able to still feel her pulse.
- The Men in Black : Word of God says they're called "SHELL." Between the kidnappings, experiments on monsters, scary opaque glasses, and some ominous overheard conversation, they're not exactly looking like good guys.
- Mon: A more serious take on the genre.
- Mobile Shrubbery: Bina and Julie use a recycling bin to bypass security.
- Nothing Is Scarier: Two examples in quick (and effective) succession:
- After Roger saves Lulenski he starts turning , very slowly. We never see his face in full (it seems to have LEGS), because...
- Lulenski has a major Freak-Out and picks up a rock. The next page is simply the kids staring in horror, with no noise, save the sound effects.
- Taking the Bullet: Roger saves Lulenski from a Ghost. It seems he would have gained a particularly nasty face-based monster if Lulenski hadn't "stepped in."
- Trauma Conga Line
- Use Your Head: A rocket powered heart monster headbutt attack, no less.
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 4, Page 13-14 is one hell of a reminder that this isn't just a bunch of kids and Grotesque Cute monsters running around. It also might go to show that Anyone Can Die.
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