Monster Man
Monster Man is a horror comedy film from the year 2003. It was directed by the same guy who brought us Shoot Em Up.
It centers on two pals: Adam, a meek nice guy, and Harley, a horny guy who is constantly mouthing off. They are driving to Adam's ex-girlfriend's wedding. Along the way they become a target for a stitched-up monster-for-a-man and his monster truck. As Adam and Harley try to shake him off their tail, they pick up a hitchhiking hottie, Sarah, who quickly regrets getting involved with these two.
Not to be confused by the Syfy reality series Monster Man.
These tropes became roadkill:
- Antagonist Title
- An Arm and a Leg: Almost everyone in the area terrorized by the Monster Man is missing a limb.
- Bald of Evil: Brother Fred.
- Big Damn Heroes: Harley near the end.
- Blue Oni Red Oni: Adam and Harley.
- Bond One-Liner: "Drop dead, Fred!"
- Car Fu: Monster Man is shown killing a guy with his truck.
- Chekhov's Gun: Adam's pencil and sharpener.
- Cool Car: Monster Man's monster truck.
- Couldn't Find a Pen: Monster Man leaves a message on our heroes' car that "they're next".
- Danger Takes a Backseat: Harley scares Adam by hiding in his car's backseat and attacking Adam wearing a White Mask of Doom.
- Subverted again later when the guys mistake Sarah, who's crashing in Adam's car, for Monster Man.
- Deep South
- Disgusting Public Toilet: Adam has to visit one which is filled with flies, Bathroom Stall Graffiti and other nastiness.
- The End - or Is It?: Brothers Bob and Fred are still alive (but not well) in the end. And the whole thing is lampshaded by Brother Fred being very unhappy with the situation.
Fred: "'The End'? This can't be The End! I'm still alive!"
- Everything's Better with Bob: Monster Man's real name is Bob.
- The Family That Slays Together: Monster Man's family.
- Flipping the Bird: Harley flips off Monster Man when he starts tailgating them with his monster truck.
- Fred also flips off Adam when Adam tried to kill him.
- Gorn: Quite a bit.
- Groin Attack: Sarah nutkicks the guy in the diner who tries to force her to "dance" with him.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Brother Fred near the end.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Adam and Harley use Monster Man's own monster truck against him.
- Hollywood Satanism: Monster Man's house is filled with pentagrams and other satanic symbols.
- Hot Witch: Sister Sarah.
- Human Sacrifice: Sacrifices are needed to keep Fred alive.
- Knife Nut: Monster Man.
- Mix-and-Match Man: Brother Fred.
- My Car Hates Me: Justified; Adam and Harley are out of gas.
- My Girl Is Not a Slut: Adam punched Harley in the past for calling his then-girlfriend, Betty-Ann, a slut.
- No Kill Like Overkill: After getting behind the wheel of Bob's monster truck, Adam drives over him throughout the night until he is Squashed Flat. And that doesn't even kill him!
- Offscreen Teleportation: Monster Man does this when he chases Adam and Harley on foot.
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse: The corpse that Monster Man puts into Adam's car at one point.
- The Pen Is Mightier: Adam uses his trusty pen to poke Monster Man's eyes out.
- The Reveal: Sarah is Monster Man's sister.
- Say My Name
- Scary Scarecrows: The Ghost Town near Monster Man's farm is filled with these.
- The Secret of Long Pork Pies: One gas station which our heroes visit serves human meat in its chili.
- Shovel Strike
- Slashed Throat
- Talking in Your Sleep: Harley talks in his sleep.
- The Undead: Both Brother Fred and Bob.
- Unusual Euphemism: Harley and Adam have a conversation on what Citizen Kane's "Rosebud" really meant.
- Villain Opening Scene: The film opens with Monster Man killing some guy with a vise.
- Villainous Incest
- Wimp Fight: Adam's and Harley's brief fight after their first encounter with Monster Man.
- Zombie Gait: Monster Man walks like this.
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