< Monster Blood Tattoo
Monster Blood Tattoo/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome - these seem to follow Europe around, but the QGU scene at the end of the second book stands out. Rossamund also gets his share.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - in the third book, when Rossamund goes to tell her that he's a monster after all Europe doesn't care. He hugs her, and after a moment, she hugs him back and murmurs about how ironic it is that he's captured her affections. D'aww.
- Genius Bonus - to someone with a background in linguistics (particularly Germanic and Romance languages), a lot of the dialects and slang feel like a Bilingual Bonus mixed with a little Buffy-Speak.
- I Knew It! - Rossamund being a monster was fairly heavily implied before it was actually revealed
- Jerkass Woobie - Threnody's jerkass attitude is due in part to being very upset with her mother for forcing her to undergo a body-transforming operation she didn't want.
- Moe - Freckle. Squee. Not to mention Rossamund himself!
- Nightmare Fuel - You have NO idea.
- What Do You Mean It's for Kids??
- What an Idiot! - How many days did it take Rossamund to figure out he'd been kidnapped by pirates?
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