< Monday Night Combat

Monday Night Combat/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The double whammy of the free Spunky Cola DLC as well as a PC release on Steam.
  • Ascended Meme: When an Assassin respawns in Super MNC, GG Stacks will describe her as "Like a magic fart" or simply "magic fart!" This is based on a meme from back in Super MNC's very early stages during the closed alpha, where players would describe her new "Leap" ability (Which leaves a large cloud of smoke in the place she leaps away from) as "The Magic Fart." This is also prevalent in the "Magic Fart" Flair (Misc item).
  • Awesome Music - The main theme.
  • Base Breaker: Non-character example: juice.
    • Super Monday Night Combat brought up that good old rift between console and PC players when UberEnt announced it was PC exclusive. Fan Dumb on both sides.
  • Difficult but Awesome: The Tank is extremely flexible, but his slow speed, slow health recovery, and the variety of skills required to master him are crazy.
  • Demonic Spiders: Gremlins: Mecha-Mooks that are barely visible until they're almost close enough to attack, deal heavy damage against Pros(players), and receive minimal damage from turrets.
    • Jackbots: Elite Mooks which replace Slims and Blackjacks in Crossfire overtime and spawn at an annoyingly high rate in Sudden Death and Super Sudden Death Blitz modes.
    • Every upper-scale bot becomes this in Super MNC's Turbo-Cross mode. Even Blackjacks can strike fear in the hearts of players in the gamemode.
  • Ear Worm - Juice! (Yeah!) Jump! (Yeah!)...
  • Fan Disservice: As demonstrated.
  • Fan Dumb: Seen any time the balance of juice is debated, there's really no middle ground and both sides are adamant about their opinion.
  • Fan Nickname: The Assault's Level 3 Charge is called Shoryuken. Because, aside from the charge, that's what it is.
    • Player-spawned Bouncers in Super MNC are referred to as Bouncer Bros because of how useful they are.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Wait, so apparently according to fans the Pit Girl apparently has a Slap Slap Kiss relationship with the Assassin? Hawt.
  • Funny Moments - the Assasin's grapples with her shuriken launcher, which all consist of slapping the target many times to make getting killed by it even more humiliating.
    • The Support's Heal/Hurt taunt, where he flops around and recites an Ice Cream Koan.
    • The Spunky Cola DLC Trailer has a scene where a rapid series of cuts of each character with a can of the unfortuantely-named drink ends on a Iceman Bouncer holding a can, looking as confused as a robot can.
    • The Assault realises the Assassin;s a chick sometimes after spawning, and then berates himself with "How did I miss that?"
  • Goddamned Bats: Buzzers, Airborne Mooks with a powerful Suicide Attack that are small and fairly fast. Spawned in groups of three in Crossfire by Assaults, arguably the top-played class in public matches.
  • Hate Dumb - Even before launch MNC was being accused of being nothing but a clone of Team Fortress 2.
  • Ruined FOREVER: Initial reactions to Super Monday Night Combat from some fans.
    • Though the large majority of fans see it as a clear improvement over the last game in most respects.
  • Moment of Awesome - The Highlight protags, generally. Except for "Better Things To Do".
    • The Annihilator is made for this in Crossfire, clearing the field of rank-and-file bots while dealing about 75% damage to any enemy Jackbots and dealing enough damage to all the enemy players to potentially get a player some assist kills. It's less and less useful in regular and Super Sudden Death Blitz modes though, as bots become more and more resistant to all forms of damage.
  • The Scrappy - Some players view Mickey with annoyance due to his limited number of lines and enthusiasm.
  • Scrappy Mechanic - Juice's balance is widely debated between fans.
    • Assault's Fly skill in Super MNC, due to lack of reliable counters and the sheer reward it gives for too little risk. So much that it has been rebalanced to drain faster if you're shooting with it active.
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