< Modern Family
Modern Family/YMMV
- Acceptable Targets: Colombians get an interesting treatment. On one hand, Gloria is one of the most sympathetic and positively-portrayed characters on the show. On the other, all Colombians know how to spot a fake crime scene and smuggle illegal goods onto an airplane.
- Gloria lampshades this by saying "What are we, Peruvians?"
- Crowning Music of Awesome: "In the Moonlight"
- Cameron singing Ave Maria whilst Mitchell simultaneously attempts to kick a pigeon's ass in slow motion.
- Double Standard: There's little mention of Phil lusting after Gloria compared to Manny lusting after Haley despite being essentially similar circumstances.
- Ear Worm: "In the Moonlight" is so catchy, even Haley's grandpa ends up singing about how much Dylan wants to do her.
- Phil getting autotuned.
"I, like a lot of men in this town, enjoy making love to my wife-ife."
- Fetish Fuel: "Halloween" features Haley switching costumes from, in order, Catgirl Cosplay, sexy nurse and finally Mother Teresa "when she was hot"and Sofia Vergara in a sexy witch costume!
- "Manny Get Your Gun" starts off with Gloria running around (in regular attire) resulting in - ahem - real life Jiggle Physics. And later, with a gun.
- The entirety of Gloria's conversation with Claire in "Caught in the Act", mostly because of the mix up in converations
- Flanderization: It began to look this way for Gloria. Her plots for the first three episodes of season 2 were about either her religion, a superstition of hers, or her ethnicity, and it looks like she's slipping into this.
- Some fans are worried Mitch and Cam might be slipping into this too.
- Depending on who you ask, any character not played by Ed O'Neill since the beginning of Season 2.
- Fridge Logic: Mitchell deliberately left Cameron's last name off of Lily's birth record, instead of giving her a hyphenated name as they'd discussed. His explanation was that he was afraid that Cameron might leave him and Lily after deciding that he couldn't handle parenthood -- his name would only serve to remind Mitchell of Cameron's abandonment. This doesn't make any sense. If Cameron had walked out on Mitchell while Lily was a baby, Mitchell could have had Lily's name changed.
- Harsher in Hindsight: An episode with a joke about The Monkees aired the very day that Davy Jones died.
- Nightmare Fuel: Barkley the dog butler manequinn, who through a series of coincidences appears to be seducing and eventually marrying Jay. Gloria calls it "el diablo."
- Squick: See the Ear Worm entry.
- Tear Jerker: Mr. Kleezak, the grouchy neighbor whom Phil and Claire worry Luke is spending time with, telling them as he walks back to his house, "I used to be a fireman. I don't hurt kids."
- Jay crying in the Mother's Day episode after remembering his mother. This causes the Dunphy kids to run to Claire and hug her.
- Mitch and Cam's adoption falling through, and their subsequent reactions in "Baby on Board".
- Unfortunate Implications: Claire's old friend from work is a hard-working top executive... who has no family or intimate relationships beyond a set of lovers across the world. Valerie pities Claire/Claire envies Valerie.
- Until about halfway through the episode, Claire thought the dynamic was the reverse. She's devastated by the epiphany that Valerie pitied her.
- One episode plays Menstrual Menace absolutely straight, on a level that's quite shocking for the time.
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