< Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing/Funny

  • While not necessarily a bad thing, the whole series had almost no humor. What little could be found was probably accidental and subjective, or intended to be extremely subtle. However, in Endless Waltz, there's one humorous moment when Heero asked Duo to punch him.
  • Trowa, after he and Catherine nurse Heero back to health after Heero attempts suicide via self destruct, wonders if he should follow Heero's example—who in return warns Trowa, completely deadpan, that "it hurts like hell". Trowa actually bursts out laughing!
  • "Heeeeeerooooooo! I'm right here so come and KILL me!!"
  • Duo, all the time:
    • In the second episode, he comes across Heero about to shoot Relena, and steps in to save her, wounding Heero with his own gun. Relena chastises him and begins bandaging Heero, prompting Duo to wonder: "Great, how come I ended up as the bad guy here?"
    • "Oh, man, Quatre loves to blame himself for everything if you let him. I wouldn't be surprised if one day he starts saying his lack of effort is the reason there's no air in outer space."
    • Duo wondering about why he tries to help Heero. "He's antisocial, thinks he's Evil Knievel, and hardly speaks!" (he groans and throws his hands up in the air) "You've got such a gloomy personality, why don't you give up and stop pretending to be human?"
    • Duo watches in awe as Heero takes off in the previously damaged Wing Gundam, understandably shocked that he had managed to complete the repairs to his Gundam with practically no supplies... then he comes to find out that he succeeded in doing so by ripping parts from the Deathscythe. Needless to say, he wasn't happy. Even funnier when you realize that Duo actually offered earlier to use Deathscythe's parts, but he likely meant spare parts rather than the ones inside the suit.
    • When Wufei and Duo are imprisoned in space and have their air supply cut off, Duo gravely tells Wufei that he can't go on any longer... with the stoic act, as it turns out, because he starts rolling around on the floor complaining loudly about how "this is such a lame way to die."
    • (referring to attacking an enemy base) "See ya! We don't want to be the last ones at the party now, do we? PS: don't blame us if they run out of treats."
      • And then later:

Sally: "Why thank you, Duo. You were kind enough to leave me plenty of good treats."
Duo: "If you're joking, that's cruel, but if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse!"

  • Giant Flying Golden Jellyfish hallucination brought on by the ZERO system.
    • Those were actually images of Deathscythe with a golden aura, but yeah, it did look pretty silly regardless.
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