< Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn/Heartwarming

  • The tearful conversation between Banagher and his dying father when he entrusts the Gundam Unicorn to him.
  • When Daguza indirectly admits that he considers Banagher as a surrogate son, and goes out of his way to help him deal with his emotional problems.
  • Marida and Banagher's conversation in the sick bay, in which she begs him to not abandon his integrity and personality.
  • Nameless pilots shine bright in this series. A nameless Zee Zulu pulls a Heroic Sacrifice to save his fellow pilot from the Byarlant Custom that's been massacring them.
  • Banagher's and Audrey's reunion in Episode 5, and Zinnerman and Marida's reunion shortly afterwards.
  • Alberto's concern for Marida throughout Episode 5. It crops up again towards the end, and plays a crucial role in his eventual decision to follow his conscience and quit the conspiracy he was helping.
  • The ending has a small but notable scene where Zinnerman and Midas, captains for opposing forces who worked together with Teeth-Clenched Teamwork at best throughout the whole series, they actually salute one another at the end and lead their respective forces in effecting repairs in lieu of all the battle damage they went through together.
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