Mitos y Leyendas
Mitos y Leyendas (lit: Myths and Legends) was a Chilean trading card game, launched on the year 2000. Gameplay-wise, the game was heavily based on Magic: The Gathering,[1] but there are two points that make this game remarkable. First one was the art, which was beautiful to say the least. The second was that, since it was produced for Latin America, it included a lot of folklore and legends from Latin America that are rearly seen anywhere else. There also are from places all around the world (like Greece, Japan or Egypt), but the Latin American ones are the most noticeable. Having a card based on "San Martin" is something you don't see everyday![2]
Since the game was produced with the Spanish-speaking market in mind (and not globally like Yu-Gi-Oh! or Magic: The Gathering), the company who produced the TCG went into bankruptcy in 2009, leaving the game on "undefined hiatus". You should be aware that there is an English and German translation of this game, but they were not the main target.
While no more cards are being produced, there are internet communities still interested in the game, who keep on producing different ways to play it (like Of course, most of them only speak Spanish, so ...
Since this article doesn't seem to be edited a lot, we recommend you visit The Other Wiki for information about this game. [dead link]
Also, there is a Deviant ART user of Mitos y Leyendas artist, who are planning to compile their best work for Mitos y Leyendas there. In case you are interested, you can see it here.
- Ancient Grome
- Ancient Egypt
- Art Evolution
- Aztec Mythology
- Badass Normal: Taken Up to Eleven by the "Heroes" set. Ship captains like Arturo Prat are put on the same power tier as frickin' Zeus.
- Celtic Mythology
- Culture Chop Suey
- Classical Mythology
- Egyptian Mythology
- Gothic Horror / Gothic Punk: In the second edition, properly called "Gothic World"
- King Arthur: the edition "Sacred Sword"
- Loads and Loads of Races
- Native American Mythology
- Norse Mythology
- Too Good to Last
- Tournament Play
- The Movie