Miss Management
Miss Management is a Time Management Game, which unlike most has a plot, considering that it's the result of Diner Dash mating with The Office. You play Denise, a young woman starting her first day as both the office manager and the Only Sane Employee for Conkling Associates International. Denise must ensure that her infuriating coworkers complete both their tasks and reach their desired goals—which typically consist of lounging around and not doing work. Combined with the fact that all of her coworkers possess the occasional quirk, conflicting personalities and wildly different work ethics this proves to be a tough job for Denise.
Tropes used in Miss Management include:
- Anything That Moves: Mahavir is implied to be this when he claims that "the love of Mahavir knows no bounds"…except for Timmy.
- Berserk Button: Every single character in the game, with the sole exception of Denise, has one.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: The tasks.
- A Father to His Men: Parodied in Duncan, who fails oh-so-hard.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Pearl and Nadine are two of the most evil characters in the game. How can you tell? They smoke.
- Granola Guy: Luke fits this to a T.
- Handsome Lech: Mahavir.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Denise.
- Only Sane Man: In addition to Denise, Winston is also arguably this.
- Office
- Office Lady: Denise is, unfortunately for her, perhaps the only American example.
- Otaku: Tara is strongly implied to be into the Magical Girl anime "Shining Beauty Warrior Himiko X."
- Pointy-Haired Boss
- The Red Stapler is alluded to in the red "Office Classique" stapler available at the store.
- Rich Bitch: Ashley.
- Sorting Algorithm of Weapon Effectiveness / Sorting Algorithm of Evil: The competency of your employees slowly increases, from "average at everything and hates one task type" to "good at positively anything." However, conversely they slowly grow more OCD; by the end, you have an employee who goes berserk if anybody else works.
- Super-Deformed: All the characters. Nobody knows why.
- Tyrant Takes the Helm: Pearl.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Duncan wants to make Winston into this. Too bad that Winston already has a perfectly healthy relationship with his dad.
- Where Are They Now? Epilogue
- Workaholic: Brooke.
- Work Com
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