Misleet is an H-game set in a sci-fi future where a man name Yuu Saito goes undercover as a intergalactic police officer when he actually was a member of a criminal syndicate. His reasons are simple:
One of his former colleagues is a woman known as Misleet, a cruel, sadistic woman who had his boss brutally raped, tortured, and killed, forcing him to watch, and then he nearly wound up dead as a result.
Unfortunately for her, he survived, took on a new identity, and thus he waited for the day she would be powerless, such as when his undercover job allows him to capture her.
After that, while she's in custody, he gains the trust of his unwitting conspirators to interrogate her, and no sooner does he get it, he uses the opportunity to Pay Evil Unto Evil.
- Complete Monster: Invoked. Misleet flatly admits she enjoyed every depraved thing she did to the woman Yuu loved, and her entire criminal history is one long list of Moral Event Horizon level depravity.
- H-Game POV Character: Yuu is a Type V, only missing being a Type VI because his victim is an unrepentant Complete Monster.
- Nightmare Fuel: Invoked. One of the endings has Yuu put Misleet through one of the most horrifying punishments any woman in his game universe can be subjected to.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: Yuu Saito's entire raison d'etre.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: This is part of why Yuu wants Misleet to suffer.
- Sadistic Choice: The other half of why he wants her to suffer is for putting him into a situation where he had to make this kind of choice.
- Token Good Teammate: Yuu's former lover was basically this for the syndicate she worked for, or at least was the nicest one, which makes what Misleet does to her all the more horrible.