< Misfile


Fridge Brilliance

  • After thinking a while about Misfile and whether or not it would end by using or averting First Law of Gender Bending I realized that the series is a metaphor for transsexuality that is more interesting than most in that it can be viewed in two different directions: Ash is either an MTF in denial, or an FTM who isn't accepted as such.
    • Especially this part. You can't really put it much more clearly than someone being filed in the wrong section, but the first line of the writing says "male." Also, probably the latter, given that he's forced to dress up in clothes that don't really suit him, and actually into girls.
  • For a long time, Rumisiel's comment about how "With Vashiel's powers bound for his vacation, I get to be the stronger brother" bugged me. Why would someone in exile be given less restrictions than one on a sanctioned vacation? Then it hit me: Rumi has never done anything bad with his angelic powers (he hasn't done anything good, either, but still), while the last time they let Vashiel run around free he nuked a city. Of course they'd make sure Vashiel is bound, while not particularly caring about Rumisiel.

Fridge Horror

  • A mentioned in this post [dead link] , think about how many people were affected when the Misfile happened. All those people now no longer exist and have been replaced with clones of sorts.
    • Most obviously "Girl-Ash" who has a whole "life history" but doesn't fully exist.
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