< Mirror Universe

Mirror Universe/Playing With

Basic Trope: A universe in which the heroes are the villains and the villains are heroes.

  • Straight: The members of Hero Inc. accidentally get stuck in the universe of Villain Inc..
  • Exaggerated: In this universe, everything is reversed, from color schemes to gender, and even personalities.
  • Downplayed: The members of Hero Inc. accidentally get stuck in the universe of Jerkass Inc..
  • Justified: Someone messed with time travel and accidentally created a universe where earlier villains won before the heroes or villains were born.
  • Inverted: Villain Inc. invades Hero Inc.'s universe.
  • Subverted: At first it seems like they stumbled onto an alternate universe, but it turns out to be a cosplay convention.
  • Double Subverted: Then they walk outside and discover it really is an alternate universe.
  • Parodied: Every single citizen on Villain Inc's universe is evil and has a beard--even the females.
    • Everything is reversed even what a reverse is meaning there is no difference
  • Deconstructed: Heroes Inc. find that they're Not So Different from their "evil" counterparts, leading them to question their own motives and actions.
  • Reconstructed: . . .but, unlike their counterparts, they realize their wrongdoings and ultimately become better people for it.
  • Zig Zagged: Heroes Inc. are not in a mirror universe; it's a mind game being played by another villain. But the mind game creates a tear in the space-time continuum, which creates the mirror universe, where the heroes made a Face Heel Turn and became Villains Inc. Heroes Inc. never finds out about the mirror universe that now actually exists.
  • Averted: There is no Mirror Universe. That was easy.
  • Enforced: "We need to show what might happen to the heroes if they wern't goody two-shoes, so create a Mirror Universe."
  • Lampshaded: "Oh, no. A Mirror Universe. This is worse than one where the Nazis win World War II."
  • Invoked: "If my calculations are correct, we should arrive in the Mirror Universe."
  • Defied: "Damn it, we're in the Mirror Universe! Let's get out of here before something plot-related happens!"
  • Discussed: "This world looks like something the people of a Mirror Universe would love to inhabit."
  • Conversed: (putting away a comic book), "Why does every single comic book company have a Mirror Universe? I gotta check Wikipedia to see if Paramount owns every single comic book company."

The evil twin of TV Tropes, ustr:\\TVCliches.soc, wants you to visit the Mirror Universe.

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