< Mirror Mirror (novel)

Mirror Mirror (novel)/YMMV

The 1995 film

The 2012 film

  • Actor Allusion: Julia Roberts has been described as "America's Sweetheart". This is a rare movie where she plays a villain. Her role appears to be an extended metaphor for actresses/performers trying anything to extend their fame as they age and can't embrace the inevitability that younger women will eventually take their places.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The score by Alan Menken.
  • Ear Worm: The end theme, done in a Bollywood style and performed by Lily Collins. Also arguably a Non Sequitur Scene; a Bollywood-style video was very unexpected when compared to the film's overall tone.
  • Mondegreen: The Prince's line at the ball "I look like an idiot" often gets misheard as "I'm a fucking idiot" because of the speed in which he says it.
  • Nausea Fuel: The Queen's beauty treatments.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The scene with the giant magic marionettes. Also the Beast, although it's less scary once in full view.
  • Uncanny Valley: Julia Roberts's makeup as the Mirror - it appears as a talking reflection of herself but with an appropriately gaunt, otherwordly appearance.

The book

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Even if you don't like her, Lucrezia's death scene is terrifying and disturbing enough to elicit plenty of sympathy.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Lucrezia Borgia definitely, and Cesare occasionally.
  • Squick: Plenty, even by Gregory Maguire standards. But most everyone who read it can recall the scene that can only be described as a menstrual fountain.
  • The Woobie: Bianca. Don Vincente de Nevada even moreso. Hopefully he finds out his daughter's still alive..
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