< Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: The Runners. Are they freedom fighters, as they believe, or small-scale terrorists? The story would be the same either way, and would even have a happier ending if the latter were true. Not for Faith, but for the city.
    • Further muddied by the fact that we only know the "heroes" are good because they said so; as the plot doesn't establish anything else about them. Yahtzee pointed out the packages they deliver could be parcel bombs for all we know.
  • Awesome Music: Faith is Still Alive...
  • Breather Level: One could consider the elevators in the game as this. Also, Faith takes a few breaths, literally as well while in them or when you stop.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:

Merc: (after Faith jumps off of a crane, onto the load of another crane, onto a crash pad) Goddammit girl! Did you just do what I think you did? I just spilled my Joe all over the keyboard!

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Every time Faith and Kate hug one another, specially in the Ending's one.
    • The soothing power of the "Puzzle" themes for the last two levels (warning: possible spoilers) makes up for all those times you've fallen to your doom.
  • Disappointing Last Level: Chapters 7 and 9(out of 9). Everywhere else you're gleefully flying around like an amphetamine-overdosed monkey. In these two levels you're a mouse in a maze being chased by amphetamine-overdosed cats. At least in Chapter 9 you can learn to be a sneaky monkey.
  • Demonic Spiders: The "Pursuit Cops" (almost) always avoidable, but the battle rifle-wielding bad guys aren't and can be nearly as frustrating to kill. They actually wear... protection.
  • Hell Is That Noise: The weird, distorted wind followed by hideous bone-crunching sounds whenever Faith falls off a skyscraper, as well as the sound of any oncoming train right before it hits her.
    • *Ffffsssssshhhssssss...*
      • ker-splash!!!
  • It's Short, So It Sucks: Just like another experimental game, some people complain about its length.
    • A little more justified, here. Portal was an addition to a bundled set which included Half-Life and Team Fortress 2 for the sixty bucks. This game came with nothing else, is only a bit longer, and cost the same.
      • Though this has been fixed somewhat; the price is almost always under £15 new in the UK, anyway, and most US websites have huge discounts.
  • Nausea Fuel: The camera perfectly follows Faith's eyes, meaning when she rolls to break her fall, you'd better hope that little dot in the middle of the screen does what it is supposed to do.
  • Nightmare Fuel: When Faith falls to her death.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: First-Person She Fu is hard, and unwanted.
    • Wall jumping to a parallel platform is near impossible without Bullet Time. Too bad the hardest puzzles all need it.
  • That One Level: A few candidates, depending on if you're playing a Pacifist Run or not:
    • The lobby shootout at the end of Chapter 8 is fairly tough even with a gun. Doing it with your bare hands will make you scream.
    • The shootout inside Pirandello-Kruger has several guards up on walkways, so you have a lot of exposed ground to cover before you can get a gun. On Hard mode, they can potentially kill you before you even reach the walkway.
    • For a more peaceful example, the CRC building has plenty of places where you can accidentally vault over a platform you meant to climb onto.
  • The Scrappy: Jacknife for being a pretty generic, cocky villain.
  • Vindicated by History: When the game initially came out, reviews were mixed and lukewarm. Sales weren't of EA's liking. Now the game is developing into a Cult Classic and fans are eagerly anticipating a sequel.
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