< Mirai Nikki

Mirai Nikki/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Yuno gets one of these when she kills herself to allow Yukki to be God.
    • Also, although the most of the fandom hated him, Yukki's father has his death treated with sympathy.
    • The anime seems to do this for Tsubaki as when she's killed in the manga, she's angry about how the ball she lost came back to her. The anime counterpart however has a different set of tears as she asks calmly to herself why the ball came back and then adding that it was too late to stop her so why appear now?
  • Base Breaker: You either think Yuno is epic Yandere Fetish Fuel or you get nightmares about her.
    • Or that Yuno is just a psycho insane unlikable bitch. Or a psycho insane lovable bitch. Take your pick. Same goes for Minene.
    • Akise is either the Ensemble Darkhorse or The Scrappy depending on which side of the fandom you talk to.
      • Or that despite the series trying to present him as more heroic, Akise does some morally dissonance things that would arguably make him, while more subtle, no different from the rest of the crazy characters in the series.
  • Crazy Awesome: Yuno, in spades. Also, Yomotsu Hirasaka, the 12th user, who is over the top in every way, just to be a "hero of justice".
  • Creepy Sexy: Yuno. This picture outta just about cover it.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Takao Hiyama appears in a flashback in the middle of one chapter...to take a spear in the back courtesy of Yuno. Him being an Asshole Victim is probably what makes it so funny in the first place.
    • So many of the things Yuno does can qualify as this.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Yuno gets her negative qualities toned down in the fandom because several guys (and girls) are attracted to her.
  • Die for Our Ship: Both Yuno and Akise are victims of this.
    • The Yuno/Yuki fans hate Akise's guts for being in love with Yuki. It's not helped that he was killed the minute he confessed his feelings.
    • The forums will go to extreme lengths to express their hate for Akise going as far as to call him a "fag that deserved what he got". Seriously...FanDumb...
    • Akise/Yuki fans hate Yuno for the things she does to Yuki. Not helped by the fact that she killed Akise after he kissed Yuki.
  • Downer Ending: Subverted at the very end. The series ends with Yuno dead and Yukiteru moping about it for 10,000 years, not even bothering trying to recreate the world. Then you reach the epilogue which goes full reverse into an Earn Your Happy Ending.
  • Ear Worm: The anime's opening song is insane, frantic, creepy, and very catchy.
    • Dead END is also very catchy (Warning, the engrish lyrics spoiled the premise of the series.)
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Minene, 7th, and 12th.
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: The anime. It ends much the same way as the manga, with the other diary holders avoiding their tragic futures from the second world, and even tosses 3rd in jail and more explicitly hints at 8th and 11th becoming a couple. However, it doesn't include the full epilogue in which Deus names both Yukiteru and Yuno gods of the third world to prevent its collapse, instead leaving an ambiguous "Yuno came to see me," on Yukiteru's phone and sounds of breaking and light. Those who didn't read the manga would be left with the Fridge Horror of thinking about what happened to the third world and would be wondering how Yuno even managed to reach him in the first place.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Minene and Yuno.
  • Fan Nickname: Minene Uryu the Cosplay Bomber.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: The 12th has what could be the most hideous costume in the history of mankind... Okay, so that's a mild exaggeration. Partially justified by the fact that he's blind as a bat.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One quote on Norio Wakamoto is God exists and he is japanese. Guess who voices Deus in the anime adaption?
  • Ho Yay: Has its own page.
  • HSQ: The second episode of the anime has an extremely high one.
  • I Knew It!: The theory that Yuno was from an Alternate Universe had been more or less accepted as true long before The Reveal confirmed it.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Some people read the manga or watched the anime only because it has a Creepy Sexy Yandere character in it.
  • Magnificent Bastard: A TON of characters. As of the most recent chapters Yuno Gasai is starting to look like the biggest one of all.
    • By the end, she DEFINITELY is, seeing as she pretty much ends up with exactly what she wanted - the heart of her beloved Yukkiteru.
    • Other qualifiers are Keigo Kurusu, John Bacchus, Minene Uryu, Aru Akise, and Murmur.
  • Memetic Mutation: The face that Yuno made at the end of the first episode is already turning into one. Known on Pixiv as 恍惚のヤンデレポーズ (lit. "ecstatic Yandere pose") and on Danbooru as yandere trance.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Yukiteru slaughtering the 8th's orphanage.
    • Yuno crosses it when {{spoiler|she lies to Yuki and convinces him to kill his friends who were trying to tell him the truth. She then laughs her ass off at their deaths when she succeeds. She then kills Akise. (Though Akise was stupid enough to provoke Yuno via giving Yukiteru a Forceful Kiss right in front of her, fully knowing that Yuno would go psycho.)
      • Though for many, this was actually the moment that solidified how awesome Yuno was.
    • Minene debuted by crossing the line with a terrorist bombing of a public school and creating a hostage situation.
    • Tsubaki crosses this when she orders her followers to strip off Yuno's clothing... and to gang-rape her, all so she could lure Yukki out of his hiding place.
    • Murmur crosses this when she undoes the positive future in Paradox by deliberately erases everyone's memories and goes back in time to make sure that the 2nd is still alive and kills them all. She also uses the wounded Yuki to prevent Akise from stopping her plans. And she did this to save herself from God's wrath.
  • Ms. Fanservice:
  • Multiple Endings/Snicket Warning Label: Inverted. The series ends on a downer note with Yuki sulking in a void of nothingness and 2!MurMur reading the same thing for the ten millionth time. 3!Yuno, while now well-adjusted, knows that there is something missing. The manga lists some credits, and cuts to a black double-page spread. Then comes Future Chapter One - 1!Yuno has managed to sync her memories with 3!Yuno and smashes the time-space continuum open with the Biscuit Hammer, allowing her and Yuki to reunite. 3!Deus decides to not hold a game and instead appoints Yuki and Yuno as the new gods of the third world automatically, and everyone lives happily ever after. Your mileage may vary on which ending is better.
  • The anime takes it even further by including the ending up until Yukiteru sulking along with MurMur, and then adding a short post-credits scene of Yukiteru's phone changing to read "Yuno came to see me" and stops after Yuno calls out to him in the distance and light breaks in on the scene. As if the fandom weren't already divided on the original ending...
  • Narm:
  • Paranoia Fuel
  • Periphery Demographic: There are a surprising number of females who watch the series just for Yuno. As for whether they'll change their minds once Akise comes in full swing, only time will tell.
  • Squick: A few chapters after Yuki and Yuno's Happy End, Yuki says something along the lines of "I went here two years ago, when I was in elementary school."
  • Too Dumb to Live: According to Muru Muru, the 3rd is seen as this.
    • Akise crosses into this when he kisses Yukiteru in front of Yuno to get her to attack him.
    • To be fair about Akise no one but Murmur and Yuno knew she had a second diary.
  • Ugly Cute: The 8th diary holder, Kamado Ueshita, is considered by some people to be cute despite her odd shape.
  • Unfortunate Implications:
    • Akise, Hinata and Mao have the most Ho Yay/Les Yay moments with their potential love interests. All of them are killed but special mention goes to Akise who was killed in a gruesome fashion.
    • Then again, this is a world where Anyone Can Die, and they weren't exactly killed because they were gay. They were killed because they got in the way. Well, apart from Akise, but he kissed Yuki in front of Yuno. Man or woman, that may as well be shouting out "Kill me, kill me Yuno. Please kill me" It helps his case he was trying to get her angry, but that worked a little too well.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: Can you believe Mirai Nikki was serialised in a shounen (for 10-18-year-old boys) magazine? To play this trope even straighter, Mirai Nikki is off limits to anyone below 18 on Mangafox, a scanlation website, which labels it as seinen (for adult males over 18).
  • What Measure Is a Non-Badass?: Yukki was a victim of this early on.
  • The Woobie: Early Yuki varied between this and scrappydom. But really, try being a shy and introverted young boy shoved into a duel to the death with a bunch of psychopaths. Oh yeah, and the only ally you can truly trust is the craziest of them all, whose main goal is marriage and/or sex with you. He seems to have recently graduated to Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Yuno Gasai. By the time 3rd world rolls around, people will want to give her a big hug.
    • Also, Tsubaki becomes one of these when her tragic past in revealed.
  • X Meets Y: Battle Royale meets Death Note.
  • Yandere: People love Yuno because of this. Really, really love her.
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