< Miracleman


  • Complete Monster - Kid Miracleman (a.k.a. Jonathan Bates), as well as Dr. Gargunza (albeit to a far lesser extent, as KM is hard to keep up with when it comes to evil).
    • Miracleman himself isn't much better, if you're the sort that actually values individual liberty and doesn't care for the idea of a superpowered fascist playing benevolent father figure to the entire human race. In fact the entire comic is basically an Elseworlds where "What if Lex Luthor was completely right about Superman?"
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop - What we really need is an all-powerful superhuman to step in and rule the world to suit his own standards. That will turn things into a Crystal Spires and Togas Mary Suetopia!
  • The Woobie - Mike Moran, the pathetically (though realistically) human version of Miracleman. And Jonathan Bates, the even more tragic Alter Ego of Kid Miracleman.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds - Young Nastyman and the human alter ego of Kid Miracleman.
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