< Minority Report

Minority Report/Awesome

  • When the hero and the government agent have a slightly star wars type fight on a factory's car assembly line, (except much less awesome than star wars) until the agent pins the hero to the line, jumps off, and the next scene is the hero screaming as a car seat (shotgun no less) is pounded, presumably, onto his face. The agent and his agent posse walk along the assembly line, watching the car being built and thinking, "Oh boy, is that guy dead or what? I would not want to go out that way. Ouch." Then, the car is fully constructed and painted, and the agent gets a small smile on his face when... THE HERO'S HEAD LOOKS THROUGH THE WINDOW AND WAVES STARES!!! Apparently, he had avoided all of the flailing mechanical arms and the car parts being welded together, while avoiding being seen. The agent gets that "Oh crap." look on his face, as the hero STARTS THE CAR AND DRIVES OUT OF THE FACTORY!!! Apparently, cars are made with a full tank and he already had the keys too.
    • When Anderton pulls a gun on Witwer in the middle of Pre-Crime, Witwer says, "Put the gun down, John. I don't hear a red ball." Then the alarms go off. The Oh Crap look on Witwer's face is priceless.
    • Whoa, whoa, isn't that great? What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome??!
  • The film, in true Spielberg fashion, is filled with virtuoso setpieces, including the Batman Cold Open showing off how the Precrime cops work (including the conductor-esque way Anderton scrubs the images for clues), the mall chase with Anderton pulling along a weakened and frightened Agatha (who in turn uses her abilities to evade the cops), and the confrontation between Anderton and Crow.
  • Towards the end of the film, when Anderson is in jail, his wife finds out that he's innocent and calmly walks into the prison and tells the guard that she will be having a talk with her husband. When the guard asks how she bypassed security, she plops her husband's surgically-removed eyes in front of him.
    • When Anderson and Agatha are escaping from the mall, Agatha continuously uses her precognition to save them. It's chillingly awesome to watch how the seemingly trivial things she has Anderson do pan out to work in their favor.
  • The moment when Anderton starts to read Miranda Rights to the guy he has every reason to believe kidnapped his son. Yes, he's a mourning father; yes, he had dreamed of what he was going to do to this guy with a half hour alone with him; yes, a precog foresaw that he would kill the guy, but dammit, Anderton is still a cop to the bitter end.
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