Mighty Switch Force!

Mighty Switch Force! is a 2011 Puzzle Platformer from Way Forward Technologies. In this third game in the loose Mighty series (with Mighty Flip Champs and Mighty Milky Way), you repeatedly chase down five escaped convicts (the Hooligan Sisters) across 16 levels. The key mechanic this time is that you have power over certain blocks in each level: They are either out (and you can stand on them) or in (and you can't).

Tropes used in Mighty Switch Force! include:
  • Action Girl: Patricia Wagon.
  • Animesque: Since this is a Way Forward Technologies game, this is par for the course.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Quite literally. If you stand in front of a background block and switch it forward, Patty will literally smack into the fourth wall and shatter it.
    • The same happens with any enemy you slam.
  • Check Point: The U.T.D., whose location you return to if you Tele Frag or touch spikes.
  • Difficulty Spike: While the rest of the game had been challenging, everything starting from Incident no. 14 is Nintendo Hard.
  • Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: The game's final boss. It is not even hinted at he's an alienlike monster. Most mooks are at least partially mechanical, so this comes as somewhat of a surprise.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Checkpoints are marked with the U.T.D. Which doesn't stand for something sensible and technological like Universal Tracking Device, but rather for Ugly Twitching Dog.
  • Hartman Hips: Patricia is actually generally curvy, but since her armor conceals her bust, this is the aspect of it you'll see most of the time.
  • Fan Service: This game uses it liberally, yet subtly.
    • Upon defeat, Patricia's armor dissapears (not unlike Super Metroid).
    • The five convicts you must catch are scantily clad for convicts.
    • Some of the end level scenes, like having Patricia in a swimsuit in a hot tub. The ending has her in her normal revealing clothes.
    • Clearing all 16 incidents under the par time gives you an alternate title screen with Patrica out of her cop gear.
  • Fair Cop: The main character Patricia Wagon has some legs on her.
  • Fake Longevity: Going back and getting the par times for each level. There are only sixteen of them to begin with.
    • They recently added five new levels -- you have to beat the original 16 to unlock them, though.
  • Institutional Apparel: All 5 convicts are decked in some form of stripes.
  • Meat Moss: In the final normal level -- at first, it's just in the background, but it starts cropping up on the foreground walls once you get far enough.
  • Nintendo Hard: Starting around the fourteenth incident, the difficulty goes Up to Eleven.
  • Scenery Porn: The sprite work and animations stand out as some of Wayforward's best work.
  • Stealth Pun: Patricia Wagon. Get it? Patty Wagon!
    • Note to international readers: A "Paddy Wagon" is a large police van or truck used for mass arrests.
  • Tele Frag: it's the only way to destroy some enemies and is integrated into the level design. It's also fairly easy to self-telefrag if you aren't paying attention.
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