< Midsomer Murders

Midsomer Murders/YMMV

  • Anvilicious: The Straw Woman certainly hammers a couple straw men.
  • Base Breaker: Scott could be considered one, being either awesome for not being Troy or awful for not being Troy.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Sykes.
  • Memetic Mutation - Not internet, but a Running Gag in general British popular culture; while Inspector Morse was already joked about for the sheer numbers of murders in a medium-sized city like Oxford, this show takes it to even more ludicrous levels in the rural setting.
    • Given a hilarious Lampshade Hanging in episode 3 or season 9, where Barnaby asks about a death and is told that it was natural causes, "surprising as it may be in Midsomer".
    • Queen Elizabeth II of the UK herself has actually asked (of the producer, Brian True-May, at the opening of a studio): "Why does anybody move to Midsomer anymore? They're just going to get murdered."
    • Note that Midsomer is actually a county, not a village as it is often misreported (perhaps understandably, since the same two policeman seem to be responsible for every single town and village within it). Though Badger's Drift, the main village where the lead characters actually live, still has a ludicrous enough murder rate in its own right to qualify. Never mind wondering why anyone lives there; wonder why there is anyone left alive.
  • Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize
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