< Midori Days

Midori Days/YMMV

  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Many fans seem to prefer Ayase/Seiji more than the official couple.
  • Ho Yay: One-sided, from Kota as he gets to know Seiji in the manga; also Les Yay between a couple minor characters in the manga
  • Moral Event Horizon: The crowd of students who did nothing to stop a helpless girl from getting dragged off by four guys who pretty much outright say they plan on raping her. You could hear the crowd whispering amongst themselves, saying that a stuck-up girl like Ayase deserved it.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The show's entire premise, for some viewers. One could probably describe it as "If Parasyte had been a romantic comedy."
    • Not to mention Ayase's kidnapping: being slowly dragged away in broad daylight, in a courtyard full of students, not one of whom even call a teacher for help, as the kidnappers discuss what they're going to do to (and with) her. Her falling for Seiji is much more understandable in those circumstances.
    • This face. Good GOD, this face.
      • Which is very clearly an Ultraman spoof. More confusing than horrifying.
  • Toy Ship: Shiori and Tohyama.
  • Values Dissonance: She's stuck to his hand and she's happy about it? Just try pitching that concept in the West...
    • This sounds less like a case of Values Dissonance and more like a case of Midori's Stalker with a Crush attitude overriding any problems any normal person would have with being in such a situation.
      • Indeed, when their roles are briefly reversed in the anime, it's clear that Seiji is far less happy about it than Midori.
    • Not exactly - while Midori is indeed happy with her role at the beginning of the manga, she slowly come to grasps with the harsh reality of needing to return to her regular self. At various points of the story, its made clear to her that being on Seiji's arm not only burdens him (despite his insistence otherwise) but also causes obstacles to their relationship. The entire series is basically showing how she "cures" herself of being a Shrinking Violet and Extreme Doormat who's only goal in life is to be Seiji's Shallow Love Interest.
  • Woolseyism: Kota spews off an idealistic speech about the beauty of understanding, throwing in a reference to the Earth as a spaceship.

Japanese gang member: Shut him up!
English gang member: That's it: I'm killin' the Trekkie!

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