< Mezzacotta


Comments on a Postcard was written by Jorge Luis Borges, who's offscreen in Irregular Webcomic's Shakespeare theme.

They're still coming out, despite the Crisis Crossover, because literature endures, damnit.

Mezzacotta is entirely computer-generated.

The heads do nothing but gesture with eyes and mouths. The text is dada. The archive consists of throwing random data into the search bar, suggesting it's being generated on the fly or close to it. Given that the tropers talking about it on Archive Binge have pointed out that it would take far longer than a human's lifespan just to READ it all, let alone create it... Well, there's no way it couldn't have been done without the help of a computer. Hopefully I'm not pointing out something obvious...

  • Wasn't it sort of downright stated it was computer-generated?
    • That counts as a point against this theory. They would never outright state that if it were true: that would be too easy.

The computer that generates the strips has actually managed to create strips that actually make sense and are very funny.

But because of the sheer number of strips, no one has read them yet.

  • This is pretty much a fact. We should make the entire planet read the comic to at least find some of them.

The computer that generates the strips is actually the Integrated Data Thought Entity.

Hence the comics which seem beyond time. Chronological order means little to a transcendental alien super-computer-thing. I can only assume it's some sort of side project they're working to better understand the human psyche - and if the above theorem is correct, it's paying off.

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