Metal Gear Solid the Abridged Snakes

Metal Gear Solid The Abridged Snakes is an Abridged Series of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes made by LordQuadros on YouTube. Watch it here.

Tropes used in Metal Gear Solid the Abridged Snakes include:

Liquid: You, the anti-hero who crosses the line of morality so frequently and with such audacity, that it brings out the cheepest of laughs.

  • Art Shift: Episode 7 is done in silent film style, due to technical difficulties on LordQuadros's part.
    • Or because it made a handy in-universe excuse to do a silent film episode that had been planned beforehand.
  • Author Filibuster: The finale has Liquid and Snake debating abridging ethics. An odd case in that, while both sides have flaws in their arguments, neither side is entirely wrong, either.
  • A Wizard Did It: Whenever Snake asks for explanations to certain illogicalities (such as how he can use the Codec without being heard, or how his informant knows his exact location), he just gets the answer "Magic!".
  • Badass: Everything Snake does is awesome!
  • Bond One-Liner: After Snake blows up Liquid's Hind.

Snake: Say hi to Dad for me. *beat* Oh, and Baker.

  • Minor Flaw, Major Breakup: At the very end of the show Snake is disgusted by Meryl's bad grammar and he almost openly states he's going to abandon her... but she doesn't seem to notice a trap.
  • Mooks: You know what, I'm just going to stop linking to the Lampshade Hanging page.

Snake: Another intruder? My God, these guards are so freaking incompetent.

  • No Fourth Wall: Accentuates the source material's lack of a fourth wall Up to Eleven.
  • Retraux: One of the episodes is done in the style of a silent movie.
  • Shout-Out: Oh soooo many.
    • For example:
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