< Metal Gear Ghost Babel

Metal Gear Ghost Babel/Characters

Since this Solid Snake is in an Alternate Continuity, tropes that only apply to this version should be put here.

See also:

Characters that debuted in Metal Gear: Ghost Babel

Solid Snake (Ghost Babel)

The incarnation of the hero in the Game Boy Color Gaiden Game Metal Gear Ghost Babel. Like the version of Solid Snake found in consoles, Snake managed to defeat Big Boss's insurrection at Outer Heaven and destroy Metal Gear. However, unlike the mainstream version, Big Boss stayed dead, and although it is mentioned in an optional Codec call that Big Boss was Solid Snake's father, it is unknown whether it was via natural means or if Snake was cloned from him.

  • Gosh Dang It to Heck: As Ghost Babel came out with a much lower ESRB rating than other games in the series, Snake uses the word "Damn" less (and it's mispelled "Damm" in one instance). Additionally, the cigarettes are replaced with a "fogger", a device that emits smokes and apparently doesn't encourage kids to start smoking.
    • However, the part about cigarettes was technically subverted in the beginning of the game, where Snake was seen smoking a cigarette in the opening cutscene in the cargo plane.
  • Retired Badass: Snake retired after Outer Heaven, and is yet again dragged out to do some dirty work.
  • Shrouded in Myth: Snake's accomplishments, particularly at Outer Heaven, are held to be legendary. It's revealed that this was deliberately manufactured by the US Government, to divert attention away from their complicity in terrorist actions.

Black Chamber

The main villains in Ghost Babel. They are a quintet of mercenaries serving the Gindran Liberation Front, an army which has taken over the fortress Galuade (built upon the rubble of Outer Heaven) and hijacked Metal Gear Gander. It's revealed that Black Chamber was originally a US Special Forces team. Because of Solid Snake's success at thwarting Metal Gear in Outer Heaven, FOXHOUND no longer could remain top secret, and therefore, conduct clandestine operations. Therefore, Black Chamber was created to replace it in the wetwork role. However, eventually 'Anonymous', a mysterious US official, had them all gunned down by FOXHOUND under Roy Campbell (who had been told they were terrorists, and resigned when he learned the truth). The four five members of Black Chamber that survived swore vengeance upon the US government, FOXHOUND, and Solid Snake. They are Slasher Hawk, Marionette Owl, Pyro Bison, and Black Arts Viper. And McBride.

  • Animal Motifs
  • Ax Crazy: All of them (Well, the majority of them, anyways. Brian McBride seemed to at least have enough sanity and self-restraint to not give away his true allegiances until the time was right, and Slasher Hawk didn't seem too crazed. In addition, it was hinted that the majority of them, or at least Viper, didn't go insane until after they were massacred by FOXHOUND and Anonymous).
  • Big Bad: Black Arts Viper.
  • Death Trap: Viper's specialty.
  • Disability Superpower: Viper lost an arm in the ambush, and uses a prostethic that can generate flashes and cause shockwaves. However, he rarely ever uses it, as he apparently uses his stump to remind himself of FOXHOUND's betrayal.
  • Evil Counterpart: Viper, to Snake.
  • Evil Is Not Well Lit: Marionette Owl's specialties are being able to see at night and having puppets that throw knives
  • Expy: Black Arts Viper is basically an alternate universe Liquid Snake in personality
  • Freudian Excuse: Marionette Owl became the psychotic stalker and serial killer before being recruited into Black Chamber because he witnessed a traumatic event where a female friend of his was killed and dismembered in a field that he witnessed.
  • Hannibal Lecture: They all accuse Snake of being just as bad as they are or no match for the legend that was built around him.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Subverted: Although they did do a similar action of hijacking Metal Gear from the US as a South American terrorist group that they eliminated two years prior, it was not their defeating the terorist group or the destruction of Metal Gear that led to them commiting the action as much as being betrayed and massacred by FOXHOUND and Campbell via someone known only by anonymous.
  • Playing with Fire: With a name like "Pyro Bison", what do you'd think he'd have. Also mixed with Kill It with Fire and Better to Die Than Be Killed.
  • Pet the Dog: The Black Chamber unit had its moments. Black Arts Viper gave even the worst bunch a chance in his unit, and he even allowed Slasher Hawk into the unit when he had nowhere else to go because the Aboriginees didn't allow him into their tribe, despite observing their taboos, simply because of his caucasian heritage.
  • The Mole: McBride, one of your CODEC contacts, is really the secret fifth member of Black Chamber.
  • Moral Myopia: They have no problem with the General's plans to launch a nuke, because in their opinion, even innocent civilians are just the pawns of "Anonymous", and in fact are the reasons why people like Anonymous even existed.
  • Precision-Guided Boomerang: Slasher Hawk, a member raised by Australian aboringals, uses a pair of boomerangs. Six-foot, razor-sharp, steel boomerangs.
  • Revenge Before Reason: The Black Chamber Unit wanted revenge against FOXHOUND and Anonymous specifically because it was because of them that, thanks to misinformation supplied by Anonymous/Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Steve Gardner to Roy Campbell about a Terrorist Cell attempting to arrive in America, their unit ended up decimated completely.
  • Sunglasses at Night: Marionette Owl. It's justified, however, due to the fact that the same gene that supplies him with his enhanced vision in dark places on par with an owl also results in his eyes shining in the dark.
  • Timed Mission: Snake's last fight with Viper; Snake must win before Metal Gear reaches the surface, or else it will activate seven KillSats in orbit which will lay destruction across the world.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Once beaten for the last time, Viper apologizes to his dead comrades for failing to avenge them.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: After the Black Chamber unit was wiped out, it is strongly implied that a lot of the survivors changed for the worse as a result of the deaths of their comrades and being set up: Viper often keeps his stump of an arm instead of wearing the prosthetic specifically to serve as a reminder of their being betrayed, for example. By the time of the game, they felt that it didn't matter if the world was innocent, as their innocence is what allowed Anonymous to exist and cause the atrocities to them. Their stance as this was also highlighted in their death speeches.

Augustine Eguabon

The "General" and leader of the Gindran Liberation Front. He has a secret agenda beyond simply liberating Gindra from the surrounding countries. He was a lieutenant of Big Boss, who was set up Outer Heaven with the express permission of "Anonymous" and the United State government, but rebelled. After Snake defeated Outer Heaven, US involvement in Gindra continued, with the aim of securing US influence over the entire continent.

  • Evil Overlord
  • Beard of Evil
  • I Gave My Word: One fo the few redeemable aspects of his character, as he said he'd reveal the connection between the US and GLF if Snake defeated him in battle. Sure enough, that's exactly what Snake did, and thus, true to his word, he told him everything. It's also hinted that he did legitimately intend to give Gindra their independence, and that he only worked with Parker in order to get the funds necessary to back their revolution, and betray him afterwards.
  • The Reveal: The General declares, prior to piloting Metal Gear against Snake that the loser would relinquish all the information they had.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He mentions that he had absolutely no intention of being Parker's puppet, stating he was going to break the deal.

Sophie N'Dram

The second-in-command of the General. Unlike Eguabon, she is a true believer in Gindran independence.

Chris Jenner

The lone survivor of a Delta Force squad that Black Chamber takes out early on in the game. It's revealed that she had secret orders to cover up US involvment in Gindra and kill the General.

  • Damsel in Distress
  • Fan Girl: Of Snake
  • Faux Action Girl: Not very useful for a supposed member of Delta Force.
  • Heel Face Turn
  • The Mole: Averted. Although Snake and his command group did begin to suspect Jenner of being the fifth Black Chamber due to the fact that she was never actually present in the Delta Force massacre, Viper and Jenner herself later revealed this was not truly the case (she was indeed a mole, just not one for Black Chamber).

Steve Gardner

The National Security Advisor and a former Director of Central Intelligence. Was the one who got Snake to participate in the mission, allegedly for the sake of America. In actuality, he set up most of the mission and manipulated both sides so he could discredit Army Chief of Staff John Parker so he'd regain control over Project Babel, and was the actual founder of Outer Heaven as a means to keep unofficial tabs on Anti-American Forces, while he was the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, and he was responsible for wiping out Black Chamber.

  • Bigger Bad: Was responsible for pretty much everything bad that happened in that game, and in that storyline, even the story of Metal Gear.
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