Metal Arms: Glitch in the System/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Hacking and taking control of the general is certainly a highlight.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: The game in general definitely goes for over-the-top humor. One notable quirk is that the robots not only swear like sailors, but bleep themselves, too (and then even with a sloppy job so you can still tell what they're saying!)
    • Chasing Vlax;

Vlax: "You'll never catch me you rust-busting rejects! Nyahaha!"
Krunk: "We gotta keep after that rusty-nutted fBLEEPkpile! Everyone out!"
Glitch: "I can move faster on foot without you guys! Take the RAT around the far side of the chasm, and try and head him off at the pass."
Krunk: " 'Head him off at the pass'? Who the hell says that? Is he some kinda fBLEEPking cowboy? You better be right about this screwboy, because if you don't stop Vlax, I will personally weld your exhaust pipe to your ball bearing!"

  • Demonic Spiders: The Zombiebots. Fast and lethal, they'll tear you apart in seconds if they get close and even when you blow them apart they'll reform if you don't destroy them properly. Especially terrifying when theres more than one or your distracted by other enemies.
    • At the point where you start encountering them in numbers, Guards will ruin your day, as they have a speed advantage and a hugely powerful melee attack, as well as health that means you lack a sufficiently powerful weapon to put them down quickly. In fact, their combat styles resemble those of Zombiebots, only they're even harder to dismember.
  • Needs More Love: Even Nintendo Power admitted to this in their anniversary special.
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