< Merry Gentry
Merry Gentry/Characters
Princess Meredith (AKA Merry Gentry, Meredith NicEssus)
- Badass Princess: She falls short of Action Girl because she rarely fights anymore. But she has killed people in duels and in her own words, she can put her fist through a car door.
- Bad Powers, Good People: Merry's power is to turn people into inside-out balls of flesh.
- The Chosen One: The Goddess has chosen Merry as her vessel to bring life back to faerie.
- Genre Savvy: Merry avoids Tempting Fate, knowing the Sithen is a Literal Genie.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Offered the Crown
- Royal Blood: She is the Queen's niece and third in line for the throne.
- The Woobie: Had a pretty crap childhood.
Doyle (AKA "The Darkness")
- Ambiguously Bisexual: He and Frost are very close, to the point where Doyle gave up the Crown of Faerie to bring Frost back to life.
- Badass: As the Captain of the Queen's guard, he is officially the biggest badass in Faerie.
- Bodyguard Crush: First on Queen Andais, later for Merry.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Baron Sweet Tongue. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
- Half-Sidhe Hybrid
- Offered the Crown
Frost (AKA "Killing Frost")
- Ambiguously Bisexual: He and Doyle are very close.
- Defrosting Ice King: No pun intended.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- The Stoic
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Rhys hides immense and frightening power behind a jokester facade.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Light Is Not Good: Gorgeous exterior. Death god.
- The Older Immortal
- Scars Are Forever
- Implausible Hair Color: Green.
- Henpecked Husband: Not married to Merry, technically, but even he realizes how easily she can walk all over him.
- Nice Guy: Especially for an eons-old warrior.
Sholto (AKA "King of Nightmares", "King of the Sluagh", "Creature")
- Defrosting Ice King: He comes a long way from the awkward young king in the first book.
- The Good King: To the sluagh. Ironically, a hell of a lot better ruler than Andais or Taranis.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half-sidhe, half-nightflyer, actually.
- Naughty Tentacles: The human version of the trope; Sholto has "extras" all over his stomach.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- The Woobie
Queen Andais
- Ax Crazy: She got her start as a goddess of battle, and can become overwhelmed with bloodlust.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Andais seems to relish her role as Evil Queen, and furthermore believes it's representative of what the Unseelie Court is and should be.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Andais has repeatedly shown herself willing to sacrifice her own happiness for the good of the Sidhe. She loves her son beyond reason, but she almost lost her shit when she found out Cel commandeered her dead brother's guard as his harem. When she realizes she is infertile, she decides to abdicate in favor of whichever of her heirs can create a child first, knowing that she has no right to hang on to the throne in a Fisher King situation.
- God Save Us From the Queen: Yeah, she's still a sadistic tyrant, though.
Prince Cel
- Ax Crazy: Just like mommy...
- The Caligula: ...Only worse.
- Complete Monster
- Evil Prince
- Momma's Boy
- Royal Brat
- Villainous Crush: He has a really squicky obsession with Merry.
King Taranis
- Blondes Are Evil
- Complete Monster
- Evil Uncle: After his Moral Event Horizon.
- Fisher King
- Light Is Not Good: He's all that is bright and shining and beautiful. And he's the Big Bad.
- Meaningful Name: Taranis = "tyrannis"/"tyrant".
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