< Men Are Uncultured

Men Are Uncultured/Playing With

  • Basic Trope: "Real" men have no interest in True Art
  • Played Straight: Alice suggests going to the ballet. Bob doesn't want to go.
  • Exaggerated: Alice suggests going to the ballet. Bob has a face-down-on-the-floor tantrum.
  • Justified: Bob has no interest in ballet.
    • Bob's Father shot himself in an Opera. Going to the Opera reminds him of him.
  • Inverted: Bob suggests going to the ballet, but Alice doesn't want to go.
  • Subverted: Bob goes to the ballet with Alice (and with no complaints).
    • Alternatively, Alice suggests going to a monster-truck rally, because she knows it's something he'd like.
  • Double Subverted: But grudgingly...he only wants to make her happy.
  • Deconstructed: Bob could be missing out on something he might actually find interesting. He won't know until he tries. Also, Alice does things with Bob that she may not necessarily want to do (such as attending a monster truck rally); skipping out on this would be kind of unfair.
  • Reconstructed: Bob finds he actually likes ballet; he now has one more thing to talk about with Alice.
  • Parodied: Alice suggests going to the ballet. Bob sets himself on fire.
  • Zig-zagged: Alice suggests going to the ballet several times through the show's run. Bob goes some times, balks at others, and goes nuts at others.
    • Bob hates ballet, but loves Shakespeare's plays (or likes certain cultural activities and dislikes others).
  • Lampshaded: "Aw, do I have to go?!"
  • Averted: Bob goes to the ballet with no complaints, as he likes ballet as much as Alice does.
    • Alice does not suggest going to the ballet.
  • Enforced: Closer to Earth and similar paradigms
  • Invoked: Alice suggests going to the ballet, even though she knows full well that ballet is probably the last thing Bob would be interested in.
  • Defied: Bob likes ballet as much as (or more than) Alice does; he's the one that suggests going and springs for the tickets.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Played For Laughs: Almost always is
  • Played For Drama: Bob's refusal to attend the ballet sparks a huge argument; Alice's suggestion was about so much more than just watching Swan Lake.
    • Bob's high-school girlfriend was the star of her local dance studio, and was going to dance professionally until she was killed in a car crash. Bob still has feelings for her, and the mere mention of ballet triggers them.

Fine, fine. I'll go back to Men Are Uncultured, if that'll make you happy. Sheesh...women and their dances and whatnot...

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