< Memory Gambit
Memory Gambit/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character's memories being erased or altered turns out to be part of the plan.
- Straight: Bob erases his memories of being the Big Bad to get close to the good guys.
- Exaggerated: Bob has erased his memories of being a Complete Monster to get close to the good guys.
- Up to Eleven: Bob has transferred half of his soul along with all his memories to a Soul Jar to get close to the good guys.
- Downplayed: Bob erases one memory of a crime he committed from his mind to prevent himself from incriminating himself while being questioned.
- Justified: Charlie, The Smart Guy, is a mind-reader, so if he manages to expose Bob as the Big Bad by reading his mind, then Bob's plan would be ruined.
- Inverted: Alice implants Fake Memories of evil deeds into her mind to get herself close to the bad guys.
- Subverted: It appears Bob has erased his memories of being the Big Bad, but it turns out he actually had them relocated to a safe part of his mind, which Charlie can't mind-read.
- Double Subverted: Those memories actually do get erased.
- Parodied: Bob accidentally erased ALL his memories and ruined his own plans.
- Deconstructed: Because Bob erased his memories, he naturally forgets that he's a villain. He becomes less and less like a villain and more and more like a hero until he finally performs an accidental Heel Face Turn.
- Reconstructed: ???
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: Bob doesn't alter his memories
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Usually is.
- Exploited: David, Bob's right hand man, takes advantage of Bob's inability to remember who he is to take over the corporation.
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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