< Memento MacGuffin
Memento MacGuffin/Playing With
Basic Trope: An object serves as a reminder and so is important to a character.
- Straight: Jill cherishes the locket her mother gave her.
- Exaggerated: Jill runs into a burning building rather than lose that locket.
- Justified: Jill feels alone and isolated and relies on the locket to remind her of happier times.
- Inverted: Jill makes sure she throws away anything her mother gave her.
- Subverted: It's an act, to convince the Big Bad that she's silly, and the locket is really not important, when it's the MacGuffin.
- Double Subverted: She used the locket to hold the MacGuffin and is glad when it's over, so she doesn't have to risk it anymore.
- Parodied: Jill will throw away her friends' lives to keep that locket.
- Jill's mother isn't even dead, she's just living on the other side of town.
- Deconstructed: Jill is so obsessed with her mother that the locket is keeping her trapped, away from healthy relationships.
- Reconstructed: But that's just her way of coping with grief; she gets over it.
- Zig Zagged: Jill is considering flushing the locket, but decides to retain it upon her mother's death.
- Averted: No objects of sentimental importance.
- Enforced: "We've got a merchandise deal for those angel lockets, so she has to wear it for the rest of the season."
- Lampshaded: "Is that the object of sentimental importance? I should break it."
- Invoked: Jane, dying, gave the locket to Jill to remember her by.
- Defied: Jill throws away the locket to help shake off her mother's control.
- Discussed: "No, she never takes it off. Her mother gave it to her."
- Conversed: "So... the gold locket with the lingering camera closeup is important, right..?"
T-this back button is just so...beautiful! *sniff sniff* I shall cherish it forever!
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