< Memento


  • Alternate Character Interpretation: A meta example, as the movie provides one of its own. Natalie, for the first viewing of the movie comes off as a manipulative, evil bitch, but on the second viewing all of her actions become immensely more justified when you realize that she knew from the beginning the protagonist had murdered her boyfriend.
    • Another is whether Lenny really killed his wife or it's just another of Teddy's lies is left up to the audience, as there's evidence for each. There's also whether or not Teddy being killed will stop his killing spree.
  • What an Idiot!:
    • Teddy, knowing what he knows about the protagonist's facts concerning the case, and knowing that his own real name is John G., why he went within a hundred miles of this guy can at best be chalked up to greedy recklessness and less charitably just a death wish.
    • At least he used an alias. Still, it's a bad idea.
  • Why Would Anyone Take Her Back: Played with.
  • The Reveal: Subverted. Teddy hiding his identity as John G is a Foregone Conclusion about a fourth of the way through the film, with the rest of the movie leading up to that point. But he is not the first John G that Leonard has killed.
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