A racing game created by Cryo Interactive in 1994. Using 2D graphics in pre-rendered and full motion 3D backgrounds, Megarace is a virtual racing game created by VWBT. Your host is Lance Boyle, a Cool Old Guy (and an annoying one) who guides you, the Enforcer, through the show as you race through multiple virtual racing tracks fighting five speedgangs that have conquered different areas. The objective of each race is to overtake every racer in the track before you finish three laps. You can also use your gun or crash into other racers, making them explode. Overtaking an opponent also makes them explode because of "high pressure". The symbols shown on the road can change the title of the race as they make you gain weapons, speed, or spin around. Part of it is because of the portrayal of Lance Boyle, you doesn't hesitate how eccentric he is and will treat you like crap if you lose in hilarious ways.
This games has two sequels. The third is suffering[when?] hard from They Changed It, Now It Sucks.
- An Adventurer Is You
- Car Fu
- Camera Screw: The second game suffers from this.
- Everyone Lives: Nobody dies in a visual world. You, however, can feel the pain from explosion and stuff.
- Long List: Lance rattles a list of mad scientist projects in alphabetical order, including: aardvarks, beetles, caterpillars, dolphins, enzymes, frogs, girl guides, houseplants, iguanas, jellyfish, koalas, lepidoptera...
- Nintendo Hard: The game is very hard after awhile.
- Made of Explodium: Rival cars explode when you overtake them.
- Second Place Is for Losers: Play very straight in Megarace 2, where ending up other than the first place won't get you any respect.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Gee, Lance sure is awfully insistent that nobody dies on this show, isn't he?
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: The third game plays like F-Zero X. Not many fans are pleased.