< Meganekko

Meganekko/Playing With

This Trope: A nice girl with glasses who looks best with them on.

  • Played straight: Kimiko[1] wears glasses, has a sweet and innocent personality, and gets lots of attention from guys while she does. But when The Glasses Come Off, everyone stops noticing her.
  • Exaggerated: Kimiko is a fuckin' Mary Sue who makes EVERYONE have a crush on her when she wears glasses, even Bible-thumping heterosexual girls who are against gay marriage!
  • Justified: Kimiko has very ugly eyes, and her glasses help make up for that.
  • Inverted: The Glasses Gotta Go. Kimiko looks hotter without her glasses than she does with.
    • OR: Megane, Glasses wearing boy.
  • Subverted: Kimiko looks good either way...
  • Double Subverted: ...but she either prefers to wear her glasses, or someone she likes is a glasses fetishist.
    • Alternatively, she has a special prescription lens that doesn't lend itself to contacts or surgery.
  • Parodied: As a Play for Laughs, she'll fawn over her glasses like someone Gushing About Shows You Like, or she'll actually try to masturbate with her glasses!
    • Or when she removes her glasses, Kimiko turns into a hideous monster for some inexplicable reason.
      • Or she turns into a hideous monster WITH the glasses and yet everyone finds her extremely more attractive than before.
  • Deconstructed: Kimiko beats the shit out of a glasses fetishist who hits on her...
  • Reconstructed: ...then, when he gets glasses himself, she finds herself attracted to him, and apologizes. And they become friends.
  • Zig Zagged: Kimiko has one group of guys who hit on her with her glasses on, and another group who likes her when her glasses are off.
  • Averted: Kimiko wears contacts. When given a choice between glasses or laser surgery, she decides to let the eye doctors FIRE THEIR LAZORS!!111!!1
    • OR: No one is seen hitting on her even when she DOES wear glasses.
  • Enforced: "Maybe I'll attract more guys if I wear glasses."
  • Lampshaded: "What is it about my glasses that drives these guys wild!?!"
  • Invoked: "No, Kimiko! Put your glasses back on! I like you better when you wear them!"
  • Defied: "^^^^^Fuck no, bitch."
  • Discussed: "Well, my doctor said I have 20/200 vision, and there's this guy who has a crush on me...do you think he'll like me better with glasses, or without?"
  • Conversed: "Those nerdy guys in that Star Trek fanclub really like it when a girl wears glasses...!"

Don't forget to put your glasses on as you go back to the main page, especially if you're Blind Without'Em!

  1. it usually is an Asian girl, isn't it? Remember, this trope's name is derived from the Japanese.
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