< Megan Is Missing

Megan Is Missing/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Josh is a disturbingly brutal example of an online predator. Josh masks himself as a charming individual who meets the titular Megan online. Exploiting her desire to be loved, Josh convinces Megan to see him behind a diner. When she goes missing, her friend Amy decides to investigate further into it, even after Josh directly threatens her. Josh ends up kidnapping Amy from under a bridge, tossing away her camera, and taking her to his cellar where the extent of his horrible deeds is revealed. Josh force-feeds Amy dog food, viciously rapes her, then shoves Amy into a barrel with Megan's rotting corpse, who he tortured to death, and buries her alive in the middle of a forest. Josh is a twisted excuse for a human being who represents the dangers of meeting people online clocked Up to 11.
  • Hell Is That Noise: the last twenty minutes of this movie are nightmarish, but what truly takes the cake is watching Josh meticulously dig a grave for Amy, while she begs him desperately not to kill her for a good five minutes before he buries her alive, and her screaming slowly fades away. It is agonizing.
    • What was so utterly disturbing and heartbreaking for me was when Amy is beginning to be buried alive. She can HEAR the dirt being piled on her and her voice goes from being relatively calm, albeit a tiny bit shaky and obviously very desperate, to full-blown screaming at the top of her lungs. It doesn't stop here. As Josh piles on more and more dirt, you hear her screams slowly get quieter and quieter, until you can't hear her anymore. The worst part is you KNOW she's still screaming, it's just she's so deep underground no one on the surface can hear her. Truly gut wrenching.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel
    • The two pictures of Megan the FBI confiscated from the fetish website and the last 22 minutes in general, in particular the raping of Ami, seeing Megan's emaciated, rotting body in the barrel, and the final scene where Amy is buried alive along with Megan's corpse.
  • Hollywood Pudgy: Amy is called fat by Josh, albeit as he's intentionally trying to make her uncomfortable. While Amy does appear to be just a bit more plump than Megan, this is a bit incompatible with the missing posters for both of them when it's shown that Megan and Amy are exactly the same weight (105 pounds).
  • Squick: The photos the FBI collected from a fetish website of Megan.
    • Megan's dead, decomposing body in the barrel...which Amy is then forced into as well and Buried Alive in.
  • Tear Jerker: The fates of Megan and Amy. Amy's loving parents desperately plead with the media for their daughter's safe return and Megan remains missing, but Megan's long dead and Amy's chances of survival aren't good. And then the movie ends with the two girls discussing their futures...
  • The Unseen: Josh.
  • The Woobie: Amy. Oh, God, Amy.
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