< Megamind


  • His first escape from prison: He makes a tricycle and a death ray out of license plates and his binkie.
  • His second escape from prison that we get to see: He gets his henchman to send a special watch into prison. He knows that the warden will take the watch for himself. Luckily, the watch is an image inducer, and it makes the warden look like Megamind. the guards drag him back to Megamind's cell, and Megamind takes the watch, locks them up, and dances out of prison disguised as the warden.
  • Megamind's Killsat. That was one hell of a kaboom.
  • After he defeats Metro Man, he takes over city hall. He just walks up to it and takes it. It is surrounded by armed police officers, barricades, helicopters. They all but put up a big neon sign saying; Megamind will most definitely kill us, but we'll do our duty staunchly. He has nothing but his sense of drama. He just walks up to them, apparently unarmed, and orders the officers to drop their guns. And they do!

Megamind: DROP 'EM!!!

  • "You, robot! Yes, you! Bring out... The Black Mamba!
    • The scene combines Let's Get Dangerous with Crowning Music of Awesome to show just how fully Megamind accepts that being on the good side is overrated and embraces his dark side again. Darth Vader, take note; This is how you accept your inner evil.
  • You know what the difference is between a villain and a super villain? PRESENTATION!
    • And pretty much the entire ending in general. Special mention goes to Megamind transforming into Metroman in an attempt to stop Titan.
    • It should be mentioned that He shows up for the battle with the ominous appearance of a giant Cloud of Doom, with a bloody laser light show shining over the entire city, while Welcome to the Jungle plays loud enough to be heard from the outskirts of said city...and then he emerges from the Cloud of Doom riding a gigantic robotic version of his own head! Can this get any more awesome!?
    • Lets face it, Tighten is scary. The very fact that he is an idiot makes him even scarier than a smart evil superman. When Megamind first challenges him, he taunts Tighten and goads him into a fight. Which Megamind then proceeds to hand a Curb Stomp Battle, apparently only losing because he wanted to. And when he realizes Tighten has no sense of justice, he makes his escape and he makes it fast. But that's not all. In full knowledge of how incredibly dangerous Tighten was, he accepts his challenge again, culminating in the above grand entrance. Then, Megamind rescues Roxanne on what is possibly the coolest rocket bike ever. Then he pretends to be Metroman to scare him off. Of course, Tighten comes back with a vengeance, and this is when Megamind really shines; without planning anything ahead, he stays one step ahead of Tighten all the way, taunting him into throwing him behind his invisible car, then diving into it, then when he rips the door off its handle, but Megamind keeps a hold of the door, laughs sheepishly, locks the door and hides behind it. Then, when he's falling from the sky he comes up with a last minute plan to save the day! This is what it mean when a supervillain has super intelligence!
    • Special mention to the fact that, until he turns his back it looks like Megamind is effortlessly dodging all of Tighten's attacks. He even carries out a conversation with Roxanne while the incredible dangerous monster tries to destroy him!
    • Titan has the power, but Metroman and Megamind have been fighting their whole lives. And his experience shows. Especially during his first fight with Titan, where he backhands him, takes him out with a "Hey You!" Haymaker, ("You fell for the oldest evil trick in the book!") and then proceeds to duel him with street lights. Pretty much the only reason Titan beat him that time was because Megamind wanted to lose.
    • The moment when Tighten actually has Megamind IN HIS HANDS! Megamind takes a calculated risk, AND TAUNTS HIM! Not knowing wether Tighten will crush him like a grape or fry his head with his heat vision, he decides to take the chance that he'll just punch him into a stone wall, landing him right where he needs to be, and HE TAUNTS TIGHTEN!
  • "Ollo." *KCHACK*
  • Megamind is falling to his death several hundred feet above the city.

Megamind: "So... this is how it ends... normally, I'd chalk this up as my last glorious failure..." *Notices large fountain underneath him, gets an idea* "But not 'TODAY!' What could I say? Old habits die hard!" *shoots self with the Dehydrator Ray*.

    • Now that is quick thinking!
    • Considering his dehydrated form was a tad lighter than his normal self, this troper deems this a very brilliant call.
  • After Megamind strips Tighten of his powers:

Megamind: "The thing about bad guys... They always LOSE!!!!"

  • Roxie gets a few as well, most notably:
    • Remaining unfazed enough to lampshade Megamind's deathtraps as he activated them.
    • Being the only person willing to rebel against Megamind's rule.
    • Standing up to Titan when both the superpowered characters had refused to do so.

Roxanne: I want to reason with you.

    • Charging Tighten with a street sign while he's got Megamind.
  • Given that we've pretty much established Megamind is pretty much awesome on two legs, can we say Metroman gets one just for surviving so many fights with him?
    • Can you imagine the stones it takes to pursue your dream of music knowing the effect that it will have on the world when he forces them to save themselves for a change?
    • To be fair, Megamind does mention that he never had a reason to win before after defeating Titan. Wonder what would have happened if he had a reason to beat Metroman?
      • Oh my God. OH MY GOD. YOU'RE RIGHT.
      • ... This Troper can't see it ending anything but badly.
      • Someone needs to make this into a fanfiction. Right now!
  • A massive black cloud forms, lasers cut across the sky, Guns 'N Roses plays, and a booming voice demands, "YOU DARE CHALLENGE MEGAMIND?"
  • Yeah, pretty much any time Megamind makes an entrance.
    • Even when disguised as Metroman; "Please. Let's have some respect for public transportation." *cheesy grin*
  • Hell, the music's pretty awesome! Bad and Guns N' Roses... all at the right moments too!
    • Megamind not only loves music, he's also an awesome dancer, as seen in the ending.
  • Megamind always seems able to come up with the perfect comeback to anything Tighten throws at him:

Tighten: This is the last time you make a fool out of me.
Megamind: I made you a hero. You did the fool thing all by yourself.

    • Later:

Tighten: No matter what side you're on, you're always the loser.
Megamind: There's a benefit to losing. You get to learn from your mistakes.

    • not always though:

Tighten (repeatedly bashing Megamind's machine with a streetlight): AAAAHHHHH!
Megamind: Look, I'm really not sure where to go with that!

  • The day that Megamind scheduled to be his confrontation with Titan, Titan never shows up. He then breaks into Hal's apartment, demanding an answer. Hal shows Megamind all the stuff he stole with his new powers, which causes Megamind to berate him for screwing up the hero-villain dynamic. Hal complains that now that Roxanne, his co-worker that he had a crush on, dumped him to go out with "some intellectual dweeb" that there's no point in heroics. He also says that he doesn't care what "space dad" says about how he should live his life. Megamind then shows Hal that, through the use of his disguise watch, he is both space dad and the intellectual dweeb. Ouch![1]
  1. This scene is much better than my poor description of it.
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