< Mega Man and Bass
Mega Man and Bass/YMMV
- Goddamned Bats:
- The toy soldiers can latch on to you, immobilize you, and steal bolts.
- Propeller turrets fire the instant they appear on-screen, and any power-ups they leave behind are attached to the propeller, which will carry it away very quickly if you don't grab it immediately.
- Good Bad Bugs: Speed Runners have found out that you can double jump with the Lightning Bolt. You can also wall zip by jumping during the lightning bolt into a wall, as the wall will try to eject you. Great for Mega Man. It's also possible to glitch through walls using the Ice Wall. These two techniques are combined to skip huge parts of levels or get CDs without the required weapon on speed runs.
- It's Hard, So It Sucks: This game has gotten this complaint more so than previous entries in the series, likely due to several instances of Fake Difficulty.
- Jerkass Woobie:
- Dynamo Man. The poor guy used to be a tour guide for school children, but after King modified him for battle, his Power Incontinence made him dangerous to be around, leading to people avoiding him, which he resents. Even his quote in the game's database has him wishing for the good old days. That One Boss he may be, but it's hard not to feel at least a little sorry for him.
- To a lesser degree, Burner Man, who King tricked into thinking that if he doesn't burn a forest a day, he will die.
- Porting Disaster: The Game Boy Advance version suffers from a number of issues:
- Bass' dash move does not have a dedicated button like on the SNES original; you must double-tap in the desired direction, meaning the move is slower to execute and easier to mess up.
- The music is of lower quality thanks to the GBA's sound chip being inferior to the SNES' chip.
- The screen is zoomed in closer to Mega Man/Bass, making platforming more difficult than it was in the SNES version.
- That One Attack:
- King Jet will reveal its power crystal, begin charging up, then will blast the entire screen. Perfect King has this as well. Destroy the crystal before it finishes charging or you will feel raw pain.
- King Jet's fists are the reigning champion of this in the game. Everything about King Jet can be dealt with with ease once you know how. The screen-filling laser can easily be destroyed with a single Remote Mine, and even the flashbangs are nothing more than an annoyance once you get the rhythm down on the platform hopping. But the fists can very easily just destroy the platform right in front of you and render it impossible for you to jump to the next one, and feel like the only part of the fight where if you die, it's because the Random Number God decided you should.
- That One Boss:
- Burnerman. He has a charging attack that's tough to dodge and deals a ton of damage, his Wave Burner can block your shots and pin you in a spike-filled corner, and he sets beartraps that grab and hold you, leaving you wide open to attack. Also, there's the issue with his weakness; while most bosses in the series will let you get away with just spamming their weakness until they're dead, Burnerman will not. Fighting him with the Ice Wall turns him into a bit of a Puzzle Boss that requires you to push the wall into him, forcing him into the spikes on either end of the room, a task that's easier said than done.
- The other major candidate is Dynamo Man. Unlike Burner Man he is very vulnerable during most of the fight. The problem is he spends most of the fight in Beam Spam mode. He also forces you into a Sadistic Choice of forcing him to fire hard-to-dodge projectiles, or guessing where his Lightning Bolt will strike with no warning (there is a pattern to his Lightning Bolt, but it's incredibly hard to pick up on, requires split-second precision, and you can mess it up by walking just a few pixels too far). Finally, he will jump into a recharging station partway through the fight and will completely heal himself if you don't destroy it quickly. The Copy Vision will trick most of his attacks and let you focus on dodging the rest, though.
- Magic Man loves counter attacks, and all of his attacks require a different response. The Tengu Blade must be properly timed so you hit him and not his projectiles. Sliding through him with the blade deals extra damage (and he drops his cards!) but you have to start it RIGHT in front of him or you'll take Collision Damage.
- There's also the King Jet. You have to fight it on an Auto-Scrolling Level, having to constantly jump from one small platfrom to the next. The Jet itself does everything in its power to make you fall, including sending out flashbangs, a Rocket Punch that destroys any platfrom it collides with (often the one you just started to jump to...), and finally the above-mentioned Wave Motion Gun, which can at least be countered by destroying its power crystal before it finishes charging. The Jet has no apparent weakness, and no lifebar so you can't even tell if you're doing much damage or not. At least the game was kind enough to make an infintely-spawning 1-Up appear shortly beforehand so you can retry the battle as many times as your sanity allows.
- That One Level:
- The second level of King's fortress could have been broken up into three levels easily. In fact each section ends with a boss: King Tank, King Jet and King himself. The King fight is also three phases long, just to add to your misery.
- The third and final fortress level isn't much better. This stage includes the inevitable Boss Rush, but rather than fight the robot masters in a teleporter room as usual, it goes back to the Mega Man 1 method of fighting each robot master one at a time throughout a Marathon Level which is particularly brutal for Mega Man due to some of the platforming segments (Bass can use Treble Boost to fly over most of it). Finally, there's the two-part final boss fight with Dr. Wily at the end, and by then, you're likely hurting for health, energy and possibly lives, due to few refill opportunities being made available throughout the stage.
- If you're doing any flavor of Self-Imposed Challenge, Burner Man's stage will prove as merciless as the boss himself. Even playing normally, there are lots of threats that only give you about a half-second to process them before it's too late to dodge, leading you to take a bunch of cheap hits. Later on, you have to avoid instant kill waves of fire along the ground, but the platforms are hogged by cannons that take several hits to destroy.
- Astro Man's level once you get to the disappearing blocks.
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