Mega Man Triple Threat
A fan Mega Man game created by Stealth and Liz Sama for DOS/Windows/Linux PC, MACOS, PSP, and Wii, using Stealth's E02 game engine (which has thus-far been used to near-perfectly replicate the game play engines used in Mega Man 7, as well as the Sonic the Hedgehog series). As with Mega Man 7, it features a 16-bit art style, but unlike Mega Man 7, it has three playable characters: Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass. All three characters have different abilities, which allow them to access different paths throughout the stages that are exclusive to each character. So far, Mega Man: Triple Threat is only a demo, and consists of a character select, stage select, an intro stage, and one Robot Master stage, complete with boss encounter.
Here is the link to the creator's page. Concept art for the game can be found here [dead link] .
- All Your Powers Combined: All Robot Masters have two themes.
- Big Bad: Dr. Ramano. Ostensibly.
- Fan Sequel: That's what this game really is in it's essence.
- Gratuitous Japanese: Zaiaku Man is named for the Japanese word for Sin.
- Light Is Not Good: Seraphim Woman is an angel robot who uses light attacks and wind.
- The Smurfette Principle: Seraphim Woman and Dr. Ramano are the only female characters in the game.