< Mega Man Rocks

Mega Man Rocks/YMMV

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Several, but the ones that stand out are Police Man's stage, Wily Castle 1, and Wily Castle 2.
  • Goddamned Bats: TONS of them, but two stand out.
    • The floating box-like enemies that fire out a shot that drops downward. Unfortunately, it's very accurate as to when it will drop the shot. Worse, it is usually too fast to kill in one go before it moves offscreen, and worst of all, they're almost always found near bottomless pits, and can easily knock Mega Man into them.
    • Second are the robotic ducks from Hit Man's stage, which act very similarly to the medusa heads from Castlevania. All they do is fly straight and take one hit to die. However they ALWAYS appear just above the platform you're going to jump on. Knocking you into one of the MANY Bottomless Pits in the stage.
  • That One Boss: Door Man, if you do not have the Anchor Swing. He has a REALLY cheap move where he uses a full-screen attack that hits for a quarter of Mega Man's health! Thankfully, hitting him with the Anchor Swing or a fully charged buster shot will stop the attack.
  • That One Level:
    • Repo Man's stage. A Death Course FILLED with timed insta-kill Spikes of Doom.
    • Hit Man's stage has disappearing blocks as well as MANY instances where enemies (the boxes and the ducks) exist solely to knock Mega into Bottomless Pits.
    • Police Man's stage has multiple pitfalls, and the box enemies that knock him into them.
  • Game Breaking Bug: Before update 1.6, Repair Man would get stuck at the top of the screen and never die but you could.
    • If you died in Dr Wily Stage you'd never be able to finish the game.
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