< Mega Man Powered Up
Mega Man Powered Up/YMMV
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Some of the soundtracks, though remakes of the first game, are actually very good.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: While many of the new personalities for the Powered Up cast are generally forgettable by most of the fans, many people love Fire Man's flames of justice.
- Fanon: It's become fairly popular to depict Mega Man's clone with the scarf from "Mega Man?", to differentiate between the original and clone.
- Game Breaker: Mega Man C has all the abilities of the normal Mega Man, in addition to the slide and charge shot. In fact, the charge shot here can break enemy guards at half power and at full power can go through walls. Protoman subverts this, as his cannon can't rapid fire or shoot through walls, but is just as powerful as the charge shot and hits as a weakness on every Robot Master. And while he takes double the normal damage, Protoman runs faster and jumps higher than the rest of the cast, and can use his shield to block a few projectiles.
- Gutsman, while clunky in the actual stages, is capable of exploiting oversights in the AI for the other Robot Masters, such as trapping Time Man in a box or, even worse, rendering Elec Man completely incapable of harm short of running right into him.
- It gets even more ridiculous in the final battle with Dr. Wily. Just build a 2x2 fort (2x3 in the second phase), with Guts Man on the left side of the topmost layer. That will make it next to impossible for Wily to damage you at all.
- Gutsman, while clunky in the actual stages, is capable of exploiting oversights in the AI for the other Robot Masters, such as trapping Time Man in a box or, even worse, rendering Elec Man completely incapable of harm short of running right into him.
- Goddamned Boss: Yellow Devil isn't exactly difficult (except on Hard, where its floor laser is hard to dodge), but the fight takes an annoyingly long time due to having to go through the long process of its pieces moving across the screen and reforming between attacks, and you can only get two hits at most on it per pass. The fight is still incredibly long with its weakness, as there's no pause bug like in the original.
- Good Bad Bugs: There are a couple of glitches in the level construction mode, including a bug that lets you drop through the boss room into the room below, and fight the boss there instead.
- Never Live It Down: This game attempts to remove the Dumb Muscle image that had been commonly (and wrongly) associated with Guts Man since the Mega Man series. In challenge mode, all his stages are puzzles showing that he can be rather clever.
- The Scrappy: Ignoring the blackface design of the Japanese version, Oil Man is regularly disliked by players, who hate how impractical and useless his oil-shooting ability is.
- That One Boss: Well, it's not really that hard a game, certainly easier than the original, but certain Robot/Boss combinations are aggravatingly difficult. For instance:
- Playing as any Robot Master and then fighting against whosoever wields their weakness is a recipe for pain. On the other hand, playing as a Robot Master against the boss they are weak to...
- Fighting Fire Man as Oil Man is one of the worst among these, given Oil Man's already-nearly-useless weapon and Fire Man's relative unpredictability (compared to other Robot Masters). On Hard Mode, this takes the crown undisputed for the most vicious boss in the game with how quickly he can annihilate you, and how harsh the fire wave, which he LOVES to spam, is. It even has the effect of turning Wily Castle 3 into the harshest stage in the game as well, considering you have not only the devil himself to deal with, but seven other very real threats, with the only consolation being that Oil Man's Copy Robot fight is among the easiest, even on Hard, since the main threat is nullified with his ability to walk over oil puddles and not slip. Take all the lives you can and pray, or you will burn, or even worse, beat Fire Man only to wipe out dealing with the rest of them. It's a nightmare, in short.
- Fire Man's flames go out in water, greatly reducing his combat effectiveness; therefore, fighting the CWU-01P robot, which happens entirely underwater, is bound to be annoying.
- Oh, and it gets worse, this means Wily Boss Rush mode is borderline Unwinnable by Design for Fire Man, as he has no means of re-igniting himself afterwards. And guess which boss comes next? Yeah, good luck beating Wily with the de-powered Fire Storm.
- Playing as any Robot Master and then fighting against whosoever wields their weakness is a recipe for pain. On the other hand, playing as a Robot Master against the boss they are weak to...
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks:
- The remixed soundtrack also took some flak for switching some of the tunes (such as Guts Man, Cut Man and Fire Man's stage BGMs) from minor key to major key.
- Also, some people didn't like the addition of Desperation Attacks for the 8 Robot Masters.
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