Mega Man Iris

Mega Man Iris is a fanfic writen by ker-plop. It is place in an alternate reality, one hundred years after the Mega Man X series, with Iris as the main character. It was published on April 4th, 2004.

In this story, it is showned that Iris' body was perserved since her defeat at the reluctant hands of Zero. A man named Ross Smith resurrects her through "unconventional" means. As Iris adjusts to her new life in the future, quickly makes new friends, but discovers the one thing missing in her life: Zero. Finding his old Z-Saber hiddin in the museum, she embarks on an adventure with her new friends to find her old ones. However, dark forces are afoot, and they want something from Iris that she is not aware of.

This is a very underrated story! Read it and find some tropes while you're at it!

Tropes used in Mega Man Iris include:
  • Abusive Parents: Sharon's creator did some... unspeakable things to her. It was so bad that she didn't trust other humans for a while. Then there's Darren's father, who had no regrets with humiliating him.
  • Action Girl: Iris. Yes, you read that right.
  • Armor-Piercing Slap: At the end, Zero still fears that theres a changes of him becoming a Maverick and asks Iris to return him into stasis. Iris, who was already fed up with all that she had to do to reach him again, slaps some sense into him along with this retort:

Iris: "Dammit, Zero!... When... when did you become such a big baby?"
Zero: "...Baby...?"
Iris: "Back then, you fought with all your spirit! You were absolutely fearless, and you always had the world's best interests at heart! And now, you want to lock yourself away because of a slim-to-none chance?"
Zero: "But Iris... You don't understand..."
Iris: "I understand that you're afraid... You're afraid of what might happen... I was afraid too when I started on this adventure, not knowing where I was going or if I'd ever find you... I fought numerous battles against a sadistic businessman who's still after me for some reason... I learned to kill... I watched friends get hurt and die right in front of me... I even had to fight a sicko using my brother's body... Now I HAVE found you, and all you say is 'put me back!'"
Zero: ...Iris...
Iris: "The Zero I know wouldn't whimper like this... The Zero I know would acknowledge the risk, but keep fighting for what he believed in... The Zero I know wouldn't let something like this stop him from living life to the fullest, and doing the best that he could do, and being the best that he could be!... ...That's the Zero I fell in love with..."

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: "*sniff* so happy someone cares about iris the way I did when I first played X4...good work."
  • Back from the Dead: Aside from the title character, there's Snake Man, several other Robot Masters and Mavericks from the past games, reformed or not, and Colonel, untill he turns out to be Vile using his body.
  • Complete Monster: Ivan Ribosome IV, Sharon's creator and Vile.
  • It's All My Fault: Iris mutters this after Darren's life hangs in the balance after he fought Fefnir off.
  • MacGuffin: The Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Omega chips that can be used to bring back Zero without activating the Maverick Virus along with him.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Ribosome and Vile.
  • Mega Manning: Like X and Zero before her, Iris seems to have the power of using the ablities of the Mavericks she defeated. Wheather she has always had this power or she gained it when she was revived is yet to be confermed.
  • Moral Event Horizon: When Sting Chameleon kills Armored Armadillo after he protects Smith. And Vile using the Colonel's body to manipulate Iris.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Iris speaks this out when her brash ambition in getting Zero back accidently activates a portal to where Fefnir appears from.
  • My Greatest Failure: A sour subject for Darren.
  • Playing with Fire: Sharon
  • Reluctant Warrior: Even when she's a hundred years older and now badass, Iris still hates fighting above all else.
  • Smug Snake: Sting Chameleon. The story was writen BEFORE Maverick Hunter X mind you.
  • Trigger Happy: "So, that's how it's gonna be, eh? I guess we'll have to do this my favorite way: the HARD way!"
  • The Cameo: Fighting Fefnir.
  • The Obi-Wan: X
  • The Klutz: Darren Lucas
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Iris
  • Took a Level in Badass: Do I REALLY need to say it?
  • Why Did It Have To Be Water: Sharon as a bad case of aquaphobia.
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