< Meet the Feebles
Meet the Feebles/YMMV
- Ear Worm: The entire soundtrack to some extent, but especially the intro song and The Sodomy Song.
- Fridge Horror: That guppy that Bletch ate and then vomited up on the golf course? IT WAS ALIVE IN HIM THE ENTIRE TIME.
- It Was His Sled: Almost every review of this film thinks nothing of spoiling the ending. To be fair though, this isn't really the type of film that you'd watch for the plot twists.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Every car in the film is a Morris Minor. One of them would eventually also turn up in an actual Muppet movie.
- Moral Event Horizon: While Complete Monsters like Bletch and Trevor were killed during Heidi's rampage, she crosses a few lines during the final act when she brutally murders some of the more innocent and nice characters.
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