< Mechquest


  • * Crowning Moment of Funny: not in game, but among the dev team: Planet 51 was created by Korin because it was his week to release an update...so he created that entire thing after locking the staff member who's ID is Warlic in a closet FOR FIVE DAYS.
    • Yup. See May 8
    • as well as The "Mantis Shrine" quest in the Planet Yokai questline.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: J6 and Korin
  • Fan Dumb: If you have any problems with the game, do not mention this on the forums. That is, unless you like being flamed to hell and back.
    • Probably applies to some players who have a problem with the game also. Easy examples can be found by searching YouTube.
    • The OOC is generally safe, though.
      • The Entertainment subforums in the OOC aren't, oddly, as safe as the OOC to complain about the game.
  • Game Breaker: The monthly mech from June of 2009, the Warbear, sounds like your average mech...until you check its stats on the forums and discover the damage bonuses on the arm and shoulder weapons. Level 20 and below: 250%, Highest verison: 350%, everything in between: 300%. Not to mention the head weapon will boost attack and accuracy by an additional 10% each turn for 4 turns. The level 20 version could easily beat 2 level 28 enemies in a row. It can beat extreme mode bosses at more than half health. It can win the effing Star Captain bonus challenge at level 25. And the body weapon does guaranteed critical hits.
    • Then again, almost all monthly mecha classify as this.
    • There's a reason the MQ fans are the only fans in existence that complain about the player equipment being too strong.
    • justified in several cases for example, the giant mech sized boombox, which came packaged with a CD with a bunch of in-game music on it, is scaled to your level, and is often more effective than most rear shoulders you can find at that level.
  • Needs More Love: Self explanatory.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Queen Akana's face... (shivers)
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