Mean Guns
Mean Guns is a 1997 action film starring Christopher Lambert and Ice-T as Vincent Moon, a charismatic crime lord who traps the 100 greatest killers (along with some random people) who betrayed or failed the syndicate to battle each other in a prison that opens on the next day. Moon dumps weapons and ammo into the crowd and gives them six hours to fight it out before his men move in and kill everyone. The last three survivors will walk out with their lives and split $10 million.
Directed by Albert Pyun, this little movie gained a cult following (especially in USA, Russia and Ukraine) for its unusual style and storytelling as well as its multi-layered plot.
Tropes used in Mean Guns include:
- Action Girl: D
- Awesome McCoolname: Vincent Moon.
- Ax Crazy: Christopher Lambert gives us a rare example of this in his filmography as Lou, one of the movie heroes.
- Badass Longcoat: Lou, Marcus and D.
- Badass Long Hair: Vincent Moon.
- But for Me It Was Tuesday: Vincent Moon, while killing one of the mobsters just to prove to himself that he still can do this.
- Cult Soundtrack: As was mentioned, EVERY song in this movie is awesome, so for fans it's a tragedy that there was no soundtrack CD released.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Lou, Marcus, Moon and Bob.
- Faux Action Girl: Cam, random witness thrown in the game. She tries to kill, but fails, though she's the only one from four main characters who survives in the end. Yet another is Barbie, who kills some people but very unprofessionally, though she's much better with it near the end of the movie.
- Flash Back: Some are shown, though as they're from drug-induced Lou it's hard to tell what do they mean.
- Gun Fu
- Gun Porn: Not so much because mostly they used Desert Eagles and Berettas 92F, but there are different versions and some other guns too.
- Guns Akimbo: Lou, Crow and Hoss, as well as Bob, both with pistols and with shotguns.
- Heroic Bloodshed
- Hitman with a Heart: Lou and Marcus.
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Very close.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Lou is Connor McLeod; Cam is Mercy; Crow is Tommy Jarvis and Freddy.
- Not to mention that most of the actors were featured in other Albert Pyun movies, so can be easily recognised by his fans.
- The Killer Becomes the Killed
- Kill Them All: Even said literally by Lou: "We've got to kill them all!".
- MacGuffin: What crime committed by The Syndicate do photos sent to Cam by Bob depict?
- Made of Explodium: Unusual among Albert Pyun's movies; it's subverted when it turns out that one of cases containd bomb and not the money. Explosion only causes damage in the small territory, killing one person, who was carrying it.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Shout-Out: Christopher Lambert is a skilled warrior in the game with other skilled killers, and there's the Prize, he's saying There Can Be Only One and also fencing with his baseball bat. Reminds you of something?
- Also Hoss screaming I'M NOT AN ANIMAL, I'M A HUMAN!!!
- By the way nickname Hoss is also familiar.
- And one of the extras looks like Leon from Léon: The Professional.
- Also Hoss screaming I'M NOT AN ANIMAL, I'M A HUMAN!!!
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