Maze Megaburst Space

Ru ru raju vajra maha agni MAHA FAIGAR!!!
Maze is a mild-mannered Japanese college student, when one day, she wakes up to discover that her house has been sucked into another world. She promptly rescues the princess Mill from a band of attacking orcs, which are accompanied by Humongous Mecha, and in the process, discovers that she's one of the most powerful "luminators" (wizards) anywhere, and a competent pilot for Mill's powerful Humongous Mecha. Mill's kingdom has just been overrun by an evil force, and Maze decides to protect her.
Then the sun goes down, and Maze abruptly turns into a male Handsome Lech....
(From Satoru Akahori, the creator of Saber Marionette J, Sorcerer Hunters, and Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl.)
(Note: "Maze" redirects here. If you were looking for a physical maze, see The Maze.)
- Action Girl (Solude, Rapier)
- Affectionate Parody (this is a work by Satoru Akahori, and the show itself pretty much is a parody of the mecha and fantasy genres.)
- Applied Phlebotinum
- Badass Long Hair (Male Maze.)
- Beach Episode
- Bi the Way (Mill.)
- Bishonen
- Brother-Sister Incest (and how!)
- Blood Knight (Male Maze. Nothing extreme but the guy loves to fight, especially at the beginning.)
- Butch Lesbian (Solude and, to some extent, Medusa.)
- Calling Your Attacks
- Can't Hold His Liquor (Just the smell can get Rapier drunk.)
- Cast from Hit Points (Since Phantom Light power can't be used normally in Maze's homeworld, Gorgeous delves into more and more subversive arts that take a serious toll on his body.)
- Clingy Jealous Girl (Mill)
- Conflict Ball (Even late in the series, Woman Maze will frequently re-discover her issues with fighting at the worst of times.)
- Deadly Upgrade (The original Namchi was bad enough, but a few episodes later it shows up badder than ever. It also seems to take a great toll out on its pilot, Gorgeous.)
- Debut Queue
- Deus Ex Machina (The sun always seems to set in time for Man Maze to take over and curb stomp whoever had been previously beating around Woman Maze. Of course, the reverse can also happen, leading to the next example...)
- Diabolus Ex Machina (In a reversal of the previous example, the Sun rises during Maze's first encounter with Gorgeous, just as Man Maze was about to finish off his Undeader, Gord. Woman Maze manages to keep it together, however.)
- Evil Is Not a Toy (Gorgeous' fusions with Namchi, among other things, would most likely have killed him, if Man Maze didn't do it first.)
- Evil Laugh (Some of the bad guys and Male Maze.)
- Fan Service
- Gender Bender
- Handsome Lech (Male Maze)
- Heel Face Turn (Sir Thanus, after Bartonian tries to make him into a scapegoat for their early losses. He and his troops begin to essentially curb stomp the Bartonian empire's forces from there.)
- Hey, It's That Voice! (Kotono Mitsuishi as Mei/Female Maze, Tomokazu Seki as Akira/Male Maze, and apparently Sakura Tange best known for her role as Cardcaptor Sakura plays Princess Mil, which maybe shocking for some, Ai Orikasa (Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo!) as Solude, and in the English dub, Dan Green sneaks his way in here twice. Yuko Kobayashi (Washu, also from Tenchi Muyo!) voices Rapier. Also in the English dub, the Creator of the Jaina Holy Group is Nailkaizer.)
- Hot-Blooded (Male Maze, as expected from a mecha-riding character voiced by Tomokazu Seki.)
- Hotter and Sexier (The short OVA manages to leave Randy and Mill mostly-naked for the majority of the show.)
- Humongous Mecha
- If It's You It's Okay (Ranchiki, gay for Male Maze but claims to be willing to settle for Female Maze since both are still Maze.)
- Instant Runes
- Intersex (Mill, in the manga.)
- Interspecies Romance: (Fairies and humans, required as the former is a One-Gender Race.)
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: More specifically, on certain days fairies transform into human women, and are supposed to mate before they transform back. (Randy becomes notably flirty when she transforms.)
- Kawaisa (Mill is cute, though a bit bratty at times.)
- Kotono Mitsuishi (as Mei/Female Maze)
- Ki Attacks
- Larynx Dissonance (One episode has the Female Maze transform into the Male Maze's body, but stay as the Female Maze mentally, and the next does it in reverse. In both situations the voice work is hilariously bad for the gender, but this may have been intentional.)
- Lost Technology
- Love Dodecahedron
- Medieval European Fantasy (Though it has many medieval Japanese settings as well.)
- Naughty Tentacles (Dulger's summoning sequence, only if it's during the day. Stops happening about halfway through the series.)
- One-Gender Race (Fairies)
- Out of Focus (Aster pretty much exists out of focus. From his first appearance onward, his entire thing is to cut things up with his BFS and act perverted. It's at it's worst midway through the series, where you could remove him and Solude without changing things very much. Solude herself is only saved by a Day in The Limelight or two.)
- Peek-a-Bangs (Gorgeous)
- Phlebotinum Breakdown
- Pronoun Trouble: Though not exactly a pronoun, Mill refers to Maze as Oneenii-sama.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians (and non-schoolgirl lesbians, too.)
- Shotacon (Randy likes 'em young.)
- Shout-Out (apparently, one of the mecha in this series resembles EVA-01 from Neon Genesis Evangelion.)
- Skinship Grope (Female Maze gets grope many times, whether accidentally or for whatever reason.)
- Slap Slap Kiss ( Maze; don't want to say more than that).
- Solomon Divorce
- Split Personality ( Somewhat, and with a twist.)
- Tomokazu Seki (as Akira/Male Maze)
- The Empire (The Jaina Holy Group really fits this trope.)
- Theme Naming
- The Unwanted Harem (Everyone wants one or both of the Maze; male Maze wants everyone.)
- The Worf Effect (Aster and Solude generally get beaten around within the first minute of any Monster of the Week attack.)
- Transformation Sequence
- Trapped in Another World (Subversion: she gets home halfway through the series, and her friends follow her.)
- Verbal Tic ("Ukyuu!")
- Victoria's Secret Compartment (A common place for Randy to hang out.)
- Worthy Opponent (Sir Thanus. He also makes for an even worthier ally)