Maximum Paradise Driver

Maximum Paradise Driver. This delightful tale is a Fan Fiction written by User:Ironypus. The premise of the fic is a Bleach parody with a deliberate insert of fellow troper User:Saiga, but it crosses over with many other fictional universes and can get very wacky at times; Poe's Law must be kept in mind while reading.

Tropes used in Maximum Paradise Driver include:
  • Amusement Park: Ichigo, Minato, Konan and Saiga all go to the Amusement Park 'Pastures Green' which is revealed to actually be R'yleh.
  • Bastard Boyfriend: Saiga to Ichigo.
  • Big Good: Nigel Thornberry the Dickspider fulfils this role, he starts out a random chance monster for Saiga to test his powers on but ends up becoming described as;"It was a thing from whatever force of absolute good reigned supreme, unnoticed, over all. This dickspider was incorruptible, it was pure, it was invincible."
  • Body Horror: Tomothy Riddle's penis possesses an evil goatee and lets out hearty "MWahaha's."
  • Boys Love: A main, and driving, part of the plot is the romance between Ichigo and an Original Character named Saiga.
  • The Cameo: Deackard Cain has two lines warning Saiga about the Wretched Mothers and the dangers of using Ghost type attacks against Dark type monsters.
  • Crack Fic: Of the "so crazy it no longer makes sense" variety. Then again, it was spawned in TV Tropes' very own Naruto discussion thread.
  • Crossover: Maximum Paradise Driver crosses Bleach with many different fictional universes and Real Life.
  • Domestic Abuser: Saiga is boyfriend to, and is implied to have kidnapped, Ichigo whom he treats terribly to the point where there are constant bruises which Saiga tunes out for the sake of his fantasy.
  • Everybody Has Lots of Sex: The named characters really get around, without regard for existing canon relationships.
  • Eldritch Abomination: C'thulhu is quite obviously one of these, causing Ichigo and Saiga to fail their SAN checks.
    • Nigel Thornberry the Dickspider also works as one of these, first being described as "Its head was one of Nigel Thornberry. Its body dick with the head of Thornberry attached to the heads eye and the eight spider legs spread down the shaft. It’s cold fusion reactor spewed thrust out the nether twixt the balls." Before ending up being described with a passage ripped word for word from Skulduggery Pleasant: The Faceless Ones.
  • Gender Bender: Saiga, randomly changing from a male who insists on being called Rukia to actually being another Rukia.
  • Gratuitous French: Space Hitler, along with Saiga, love to spit out phrases such as "puissant! Jaccuse! Jamappele le poisson! Le poisson" or “tu le mondl, je suis desiree.”
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Nearly every line of dialogue delivered by Eragon is comprised of this.
  • Obviously Evil: Tomothy 'tomo' Riddle is noted to be this by Saiga due to his black clothing and goatee.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Zoolander the Fagon. He is mentioned to have a 'hydra back', be immune to Ghost type attacks due to being a Dark type monster, breathe fire shaped like 'Blue Steel bats with knees' and have a 'vajayjay'.
  • Space Jews: Deliberately invoked. It is strongly hinted they're from the Star Wars universe.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Ichigo is reluctant to leave Saiga at first due to this, but ends up attempting to murder him in revenge after they are separated before falling straight back in when they meet up due to 'training'.
  • Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: How Harry Potter speaks all of the time, for example, "Whyfoth we muste skewer you upont the fountain of magik!"
  • Villain Protagonist: Saiga is a thoroughly nasty piece of work, yet is the main character working for a very bad man; Super Sayain Three Hitler. But his mission is to wipe out the equally evil Space Jew Council.
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