< Maury


  • Memetic Mutation:
    • "You ARE/are NOT the father!"
      • There's a video on YouTube where a fan of The Price Is Right spliced in a bunch of dings and the show's theme music when one man was declared to not be the father.
      • There's a Flash video loop showing a not-the-father dancing around to the Final Fantasy victory music.
      • The Outkast version is probably the most popular.
    • Some episodes had guests who celebrated a wee bit too early when Maury says "You are..." and then go into complete shock when he finishes his sentence "NOT the father!"
    • "And the lie detector test determined THAT'S A LIE/you were telling THE TRUTH!" (Never "...determined you were telling A LIE" or "...determined THAT'S THE TRUTH", which would make it less predictable.)
    • Maury is also the source of "CHICKEN TETRAZINNI!", a favorite clip on The Soup and the winner of the show's best moment.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: The point of "Man or Woman?" episodes — 10-15 people come onstage as women, while the audience tries to guess if they are really female or male.
    • It's quite easy when you've seen several shows before and realize the patterns. Most of the ones that look the most like women (usually, also with large breasts) and are dressed in the most revealing outfits are actually men, and the ones who move and behave awkwardly, are purposely done up to look like transvestites, and are often bodybuilders, are actually the women. With these facts, you will be right in your guesses most of the time.
  • The Woobie: Whenever a man breaks down in tears when he finds out he isn't the biological father of his beloved child.
  • Why Would Anyone Take Him Back? The times where the same couple come back time after time, and each time leave the show having ended it because s/he cheats, lies, or whatever.
    • This could especially apply to the Abusive Men episodes, particularly when there are children involved.
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