< Matryoshka Object
Matryoshka Object/Playing With
Basic Trope: A container happens to hold a smaller version of the larger container.
- Straight: Alice finds an object which she opens to find much smaller objects.
- Exaggerated: Alice keeps opening the objects and uses more sophisticated technology to open the smaller objects until she starts working at sub-atomic levels.
- Downplayed: The object has onion-like layers.
- Justified: ???
- Inverted: The containers become bigger as Alice removes different layers.
- Subverted: Larger containers are placed in smaller containers
- Double Subverted: Eventually, each container stops growing and becomes small again.
- Parodied: ???
- Zig Zagged: The containers withing the larger container keep changing.
- Averted: A hollow Russian nesting doll can't even open.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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